Monday, October 14, 2024

KringFlower (produced by Supaflower)

Ripple Effect Poem with Spider Moon Mix

new video i made. my own original creation. my poem ripple effect and my video art as the visual. Shannon Nicole Kringen Multi Media Artist, visual and audio. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

outsmart the gaslighters

outsmart the gaslighters


Thursday, October 10, 2024

sneaky peak new song sea anemone/enemy set free

Recording a New song called "sea anemone/enemy set free" here's the start of this process lyrics and voice by Shannon Kringen (more to come when this song is done) music by Dave Flowers at Interactive Jack Records Seattle sea anemone/enemy set free enticed out to play fear of feeling poked and prodded cultivate the strength of coyote, hummingbird, racoon, spider not fitting into the slot nerves forcing the stoic strong nordic me into this loud sonic boom room feeling the gloom doom ruined petal butterfly wings outsmart the gaslighters grabbing clouds seeding lands sea anemone/enemy set free sea anemone/enemy set free seeding the bloom beyond the wound..... (to be continued) more of our music: KringFlower Goddess KRING produced by Supaflower Interactive Jack Records Seattle

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

my dad in florida with the storm


my dad in florida with the storm

I refuse to buy in the polarized version of reality- one extreme or the other. I think the truth is a mixture of all of it . I always question everything I hear on the media- whether it's mainstream or independent or alternative and I wonder what the full truth is about why these storms are happening so badly and I have my theories. And yes, I know what I'm supposed to think about these things, but I don't really buy into just conforming with whatever I'm told. I'm supposed to think about these things ! I MAKE CHOICES BASED ON MY OWN INNER WISDOM NOT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE TELL ME TO DO TO OR HOW TO THINK. Same with certain medical topics and certain nutrition and health topics. I question all of it all the time no matter what . We do have technology that can turbocharge things or minimize things and we also have nature that does what nature does. So here we are . Well my dad is in Port St Lucie Florida and he's going to stay at his house during the storm and him and his neighbor s have made the preparations and they have storm proof hurricane proof windows on their houses. He lives in a suburban fairly flat community with not a lot of trees around and there is a pond nearby with alligators that live in it... My dad is very calm. He's been through many hurricanes and this one might be worse than anything else he's experienced, but he's willing to take the chance so I'm willing to accept the fact that maybe things won't be okay where my dad is and maybe things will be okay where my dad is and life is fragile and life is temporary so I'm willing to face head on if something tragic happens in my dad's area. I think that people are kind of way too addicted to the drama in the media and it is important to help people in disaster areas and do everything we can to help. But I think we need to also remember that if you watch a lot of drama in the news before something happens and they're trying to predict what may or may not happen, it is kind of like a ratings game and what is supposedly reality becomes like a TV show drama soap opera instead of actual reality... My dad says he's all set. They have some of the neighbors have generators. They have extra water, extra food. They're prepared if the power goes out. Hoping their houses don't flood. My dad has two cats so he's going to do everything he can to keep himself and his cats safe and healthy. And if it becomes a tragic disaster area in my dad's neighborhood, I guess he's just willing to face it head on. And I agree with my dad. It's best to not panic about these kind of things and just make your choices and do your best and then see what happens. Also I'm a spiritual person so whatever happens with my dad is going to happen and he is more than just his body. He's also a soul so we'll see what happens and one day at a time.

My dad is in Port St. Lucie, Florida waiting out the storm with preparations with him and his neighbors and literally a Hard rain's gonna fall. My dad is a huge Bob Dylan fan and so am I. So I dedicate this song out hard rain's going to fall by Bob Dylan not to make light of any hideous storm things happening in the world, but to honor the poetic beauty of the lyrics of this song and acknowledging that life is beautiful and painful at the same time and fragile and strong at the same time simultaneously cuz I don't buy into the polarized way of seeing things. I see everything is good and bad and everything in between. Everything is a mixture and there's multilayers and nuances always about everything on this planet

Monday, October 07, 2024

 Our Music on Youtube: KringFlower Goddess KRING Music Produced by Supaflower at Interactive Jack Records Seattle


Saturday, October 05, 2024

thank you Hollow Earth Radio Seattle!!!!!!!!!!


thank you Hollow Earth Radio show "Ear-Respective" !!!!!!!!!!! KringFlower music on Hollow Earth radio!

2 of our songs "Ufo Camera" and "Dumpster Diving Boots" were played on the radio today for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, September 30, 2024

spider spinning it's web in seattle

I got this great picture of a spider yesterday and I videotaped it doing its web too. It's a beautiful big spider. See more of my nature pictures on my flickr feed and you can publish them for free under creative commons "ShannonKringen" #spider


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.