Saturday, January 11, 2020

usa needs ethical policy

posting this again: the fake commericalization of the USA media machine really grosses me out! the way candidates run. it's all about "sponsorship" and logos and MONEY MONEY MONEY more than actual politcal policy. Marianne Williamson was a good solid candidate. she was in alignment with Martin Luther King ideas. very wise, ethical, sane, and morally healthy. the government has been BOUGHT out by the corporations and they government does whatever the large corporations want them to do. the average citizen IS LEFT ABANDONED for the most part being told they are "free". certain freedoms can be good but when the government has no cooperative ethical responsibility to it's citizens and only works for the "share holders" we are in trouble. when i go to certain european countries with large well funded train stations and national healthcare for all it feels very different. basic ethics in place and not just cut throat competitive capitalism. i am into a hybrid of "free market capitalism" mixed with "democratic socialism" to make a balance of profit making business and "freedom" with basic common cooperative needs being met like fair wages, good well funded mass transit (high speed modern trains imagine that in the USA?) national non profit public service healthcare, social services funded, clean modern water systems SAFE TO DRINK! IMAGINE THAT? veterans well cared for by a military that has a HUGE budget of $698.5 billion USD= they CAN AFFORD to give all veterans a safe place to live and mental and physical healthcare. NOT TO MENTION STOP WASTING MONEY NOT GIVING PEOPLE HEALTHCARE. IT WOULD COST LESS THAN OUR SYSTEM WASTEFUL CAPITIALISTIC MEDICAL SYSTEM IN THE USA TO INSTALL MEDICARE FOR ALL WITH NO PREMIUMS AND CO PAYS AND not tied to employment. a basic human service available to every citizen, rich poor young old sick or healthy. basic human rights. not "expensive" to have a public system of medical care. the usa currently wastes lots of money on marketing and administrative red tape etc. CUT THE WASTE. singlepayer would cost less.


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