Thursday, July 13, 2023

art car events


my art car events:

Wallingford Kiddie Parade Saturday July 15th 11am

Lake City Summer Festival and Parade Saturday August 5th 7pm

SeaScare and Porch Light Parade - City of Brier  Wednesday August 9th 7pm

Fresh Paint Art Fair Everett August 19 | 10am - 5pm + August 20 | 10am - 4pm

Sh’bang: A Festival of Ideas Bellingham Washington Sept. 1,2,3 (i will be pet sitting in Seattle but my art car might be there without me if i can borrow my friends car)

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Wallingford Kiddie Parade Saturday, July 15th

 Seattle Friends: Me and my art car "Opal Moonstone" will be in the Wallingford Kiddie Parade Saturday, July 15th at 11am. Parade route- from Bagley N to Interlake N on N 45th the shortest description of my art car i could come up with! 200 character limit: "covered with rhinestone. I am delighted to add colors and shapes when I get the urge. I am an experimental multi media artist - inspired by nature." "Shannon Nicole Kringen improvisational designed art car. also paints on shoes, is an art model, Zoo Volunteer and is a pet sitter dog walker! look close you can see Kitties on her art car! " Art Car Opal Moonstone by Goddess KRING (Shannon Kringen)



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About Me

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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.