Friday, September 06, 2024

2 new collages by Shannon Kringen Visual Artist, poet and model


2 new collages. my abstract paintings and our music show promo! Designs by Shannon Kringen: The Event Goddess KRING and Supaflower are performing original music at. Saturday Sept. 21st. Tolt-MacDonald Park & Campground
Address: 31020 NE 40th St, Carnation, WA 98014.
You are invited to join the Cascadian Cultures Congress for an afternoon of sights, sounds, and sustenance including, but not limited to: music, visual art, and other various experiments with adorning the twilight tapestry that runs between the Luminiferous Æther and the continuum we call Timespace this 21st of September, improvised sound experiments and an open PA for any musician or performance 12pm-2pm (first come first serve) and live bands 2pm - 7pm
All are welcome!

Gage Academy of Art Grand Opening Seattle SLU

 I'll be art modeling in costume from noon to 4:00 tomorrow Saturday September 7th for the Grand Opening of Gage SLU new location Seattle! 2107 Westlake Ave Seattle, WA 98121 (I have been one of their art models since 1992! 32 years!)


bodysuit dance for cactus hugger song!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Monday, September 02, 2024

2 new playlists with my poetry


2 newest playlists- My poetry and audio book

Something Rather Than Nothing Podcast Shannon Kringen

Something Rather Than Nothing Podcast Shannon Kringen

new poetry to my bio


Shannon Kringen

Poetry Writer and Musical Spoken word Artist

Multi Media Artist Shannon Kringen grew up in San Diego California and Whidbey Island Washington. She is a self taught poet, multi media visual artist with a background in Graphic Design. She has worked as a figure model in Seattle since 1992. She completed her BA degree in Arts and Literature from Antioch University in 2013. She sees her creative expression as a tool to connect with community and a way of increasing self awareness and tap into a deeper wisdom within.

Artist Statement:
I work with words in writing poetry and cameras and paint improvisationally. I am very kinesthetic and use my whole body when I create. Im very sensitive to sound and music and phrases pop into my head and I write them down and then “riff” off them. I like to say “Catch the Windsong Spiral Drive, Crack the Code, Left and Right node” my poems start with one phrase that I hear in my head then I start writing and adding from there and usually end up with metaphors and double entendres that surprise and delight me.

In my photography, I fall in love with shape, texture, and light while out wandering. I like to capture what is naturally there but in a way that abstracts it and allows the viewer to notice something new and different about ordinary physical reality. I carefully compose all my photos spontaneously as I am shooting, moving the camera angle until I see what looks like a balanced, dynamic composition.

In my painting, I allow my hands to move intuitively on the canvas creating shapes and textures that feel right. I repeat patterns and choose colors from somewhere beyond my thinking mind. I am very inspired by the repeating patterns I see in nature. Plants and animals move me a great deal.

I also created an art car called “Opal Moonstone” that is intricate patterns of Rhinestone that I hand crafted over the last 3 years. I was recently interviewed about my Multi Media Art by Seattle Magazine:

Several of my Poems have been recorded into music with Interactive Jack Records Seattle and can ve listened to here:

I am taping into my unconscious and go into a dream like state when I create art. My visual art music and poetry and video monologues are include an improvisational stream of consciousness that weaves it all together in one cohesive body of creative expression.

I was also interviewed recently on this podcast “something rather than nothing”


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About Me

My photo
seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.