Friday, May 29, 2020

Goddess KRING on racism and rape and murder and free speech

Goddess KRING on racism and rape and murder and free speech

IT'S FINE IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME BUT PLEASE RESPECT MY RIGHT TO HAVE AN OPINION THANKS. i am not a fan of the USA prison system- i feel police officers that abuse their power should be fired,arrested prosecuted and FORCED TO WORK TO HELP OTHERS SUFFERING while being locked up. racism is based on fear and insecurity "us verses them" mentality of fear and competition and "war" shame/fear/slavery/PTSD/lots of injustice and strong issues that people want to avoid talking about. AND I HESITATE TO POST THIS AS I USUALLY GET ATTACKED for my "minority" views. i admire the Norway prison system that forces people to become better humans instead of abusing them. revenge does not end prejudice and abuse of power. forcing people to learn to help others is my kind of punishment- put assholes to work to help those suffering. and if abusive people refuse then lethal injection for them. choose- the death penalty or work to help others. end of story. "Norway has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world, currently 20%, with approximately 3,933 offenders in prison, and one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Norway's prisons are renowned for being some of the best and most humane in the world."

for those interested: I spoke about racism and rape and murder on my radio show yesterday

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Draw Art Model Shannon Kringen friday night May 29 2020 645pm=9pm PST

Draw Art Model Shannon Kringen friday night May 29 2020 645pm=9pm PST
pre-register by paying on links below or email kringgoddess at yahoo dot com
to pay:
zelle with US Bank kringgoddess at yahoo dot com
google wallet:
Pay Pal
cash/check/money order:
Shannon Kringen
P O BOX 20355
Seattle, WA 98102

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Online Art Model Shannon Kringen

Online Art Model Shannon Kringen

self portrait art by me! draw and paint from my fine art natural figure photos if you join my patreon and see all my best multi media aRt!

Draw me and paint me. full figure or portrait online. zelle with US Bank kringgoddess at yahoo dot com

google wallet:

Pay Pal


cash/check/money order:
Shannon Kringen
P O BOX 20355
Seattle, WA 98102

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Draw Shannon Kringen every friday night! 645-9pm PST

Hello friends if you know anybody that wants to draw or paint me friday nights online from 6:45 pm to 9 pm Pacific standard Time $10 fee sliding scale beginners welcome! I’ll be doing warmup gesture poses that are two minutes long and then do five and 10 minute poses for two hours! Thanks! And this will be an ongoing Friday night figure drawing group that I’m running!

Online Art Model Shannon Kringen

to pay:

zelle with US Bank kringgoddess at yahoo dot com

google wallet:

Pay Pal


cash/check/money order:
Shannon Kringen
P O BOX 20355
Seattle, WA 98102


Blog Archive

About Me

My photo
seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.