Sunday, September 15, 2019

Creative Writing by Shannon Kringen Sept. 14, 2019:

Creative Writing by Shannon Kringen Sept. 14, 2019:

Inner Judge, voice of varying choices. vices/addictions/advice/
where's the new juicy thoughts?
chop off a chunk of the lot.
let go, create space
new opportunity
here now/ always now.

ad the vice of advice
squeezed between lines
unwind time
nose knows
the yes and no
scented neuroplasticity
mirror neurons

affirm what you desire
build bridges, see through walls.
cross the rubicon.
commit allow inner guidance.
do the flying dance.
pros and cons.
wealth within
begin again
beginners mind.
happenstance romance.
sit with the mystery of silence.

glided inviting wise mind.
in spring play the case
radiates grounded top soil.
barefoot in the green.
standing on neutral land.
nature never bland.
life's filled with ampersand
and and and (& & &)
so much abundance
give that a chance.
lift up/lift off.

more writing by me:
and recorded voice of me (music and monologue)=

Free to publish my photos under creative commons

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Free to publish my photos under creative commons


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.