Monday, December 09, 2019

self care

#selfcare yesterday i rested, took a nice walk, painted shoes and watched inspiring movies on trailblazers! Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Eugene Victor Debs


Dreamt I lived in a big glass dome with two cats and a forest and there were tiny baby bears outside trying to get in- and I had to get my cats safely in through a tiny round door then had to seal it so bears could not go in- there were 24 baby bears the size of porcupines running around outside and the dome was clear glass and huge the size of a American football stadium - not sure why I could not be friends with the bears and invite them in- senses they needed to come inside be be healthy as if the oxygen outside my dome was not clean and safer in the dome with trees and me and my cats- a futuristic dream I guess


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.