Saturday, March 19, 2022


 sending good wishes to all for health and well being. so much polarity and conflict in the world now. very challenging time. and yet harmony still exists and nature still tries for (hō′mē-ō-stā′sĭs) " The tendency of an organism or cell to regulate the chemical processes that take place internally so as to maintain health and functioning, regardless of outside conditions. The ability to maintain a steady body temperature is an example of homeostasis."

Friday, March 18, 2022

friends with a spider

 I think I made friends with the spider that lives in my bathroom and I trained it!  There's two daddy long legs that live in my bathroom right now and I don't mind if they stay out of my way. I stay out of their way and they're usually up on the ceiling and the last few days one of them has been low down in the shower and I don't want it to accidentally drown so I've been taking a cup and sort of gently pushing it up the wall so that it stays near the ceiling. And today I was going to take a shower and it was down in the shower area again and I set out loud okay Spidey you need to move up to the ceiling and I swear to God it started moving up to the ceiling so I think it. I think it just knew that I was in there and it remembered that twice I moved it back up to the ceiling. So this time that spider knows... the spider is smart enough to know it needs to crawl up to the ceiling!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Draw Art Model Shannon Kringen on zoom Friday March 18th 1-3pm PST. sliding scale fee. 

write me for zoom invite


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.