Goddess KRING on Something Rather than Nothing Podcast!
I was a guest on "Something rather than nothing" podcast - in the can- published soon ! I just had an absolutely delightful conversation about my art on a podcast that's going to be released sometime around Labor Day. I'm so excited! I think we talked for about an hour about all the different kinds of art I do and My philosophy about it. It was a fascinating conversation and I'm so grateful! When we started talking, I was really stressed out because I had kind of a conflicting situation with a couple different people and was feeling upset about the polarization in the world and now I feel much better because I had a refreshing open-ended conversation where I felt free to just share my views and me and the other person had a very diplomatic open-minded conversation about mostly about art and philosophy in a really intuitive improvisational natural kind of way, not in a formal dogmatic way! https://www.somethingratherthannothing.com/episodes