Friday, August 16, 2024

Goddess KRING on Something Rather than Nothing Podcast!


Goddess KRING on Something Rather than Nothing Podcast!
I was a guest on "Something rather than nothing" podcast - in the can- published soon ! I just had an absolutely delightful conversation about my art on a podcast that's going to be released sometime around Labor Day. I'm so excited! I think we talked for about an hour about all the different kinds of art I do and My philosophy about it. It was a fascinating conversation and I'm so grateful! When we started talking, I was really stressed out because I had kind of a conflicting situation with a couple different people and was feeling upset about the polarization in the world and now I feel much better because I had a refreshing open-ended conversation where I felt free to just share my views and me and the other person had a very diplomatic open-minded conversation about mostly about art and philosophy in a really intuitive improvisational natural kind of way, not in a formal dogmatic way!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Audiobook Read by the Author Kringonian Pizzazz part2

Kringonian Pizzazz: KringSPEAK Poetry Goddess KRING Paperback
Shannon Kringen reads part 2 of her poetry book.

KringSPEAK poetry by Shannon Kringen Goddess KRING improvisational multi media artist. musical spoken word poetry i write as it flows into my brain. inspired by songwriters and nature. the last four poems are my dad Gus Kringen's folk song lyrics he wrote. we are both poetic writers who love music very deeply.

I am neurodivergent and see shapes when I hear music SYNESTHESIA is part of my reality. (“Synesthesia is when your brain routes sensory information through multiple unrelated senses, causing you to experience more than one sense simultaneously. Some examples include tasting words or linking colors to numbers and letters. my poems are visual and musical as well as written words. double and triple entendres...paradox rocks!
This book available here:
some of the poems in this book have been turned into songs:
music by Shannon Kringen Goddess KRING and Supaflower from Interactive Jack Records here:
Youtube Music:
Itunes/Apple Music:
Amazon Music:
Pandora Music:
Deezer Music:
iHeartRadio Music:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


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About Me

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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.