Saturday, February 15, 2025

Shannon Kringen Art on Display Seattle


KringSPEAK poetry from memory by me Goddess KRING

art car events shannon kringen goddess kring opal moonstone


SEATTLE FRIENDS I AM OPEN TO BEING INVITED TO NEW EVENTS WITH MY ART CAR! tell me about any i can apply to be part of! thanks. My art car Opal Moonstone will be at June 7th Kent Nerd Party, and June 21,22 Fremont Fair Art Car Blowout- and more...will share dates as i know them. Opal Moonstone
by Goddess KRING
Opal Moonstone is an improvisational design with rhinestones on a 2010 Honda Fit. I am delighted to add colors and shapes when I get the urge. I am known in Seattle for painting onto shoes and hats, and giving my hand painted "KringWEAR" shoes to musician Tori Amos, I am known as "Goddess KRING" from public access TV in Seattle and this art car is my current big project. I am an experimental multi media artist. Some of my favorite artists that inspire me are: Antoni Gaudí, Yayoi Kusama, Gustav Klimt, and Friedensreich Hundertwasser.



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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.