Can I be honest and say that I work as an art model and I have for about 30 years in the Seattle area since the early 1990s and when I posted this self portrait of me when I was feeling really really moody and taking a walk in the forest I posted it not thinking that it would be useful to an artist as an art modeling reference image because when I post photos of myself where I'm trying to be a model and look beautiful etc in a certain aesthetically pleasing way that's one thing but this photo was a moody photo a more personal self-portrait so I'm actually delighted that I was surprised that a painter wanted to paint from it although I do value the expressiveness on my face in this photo so it's good to know that some artists want to paint models that just look really pretty and some artists prefer if there's more of an emotional expressive mood or quality to the model more like an actor although I wasn't acting I was truly feeling moody in my real personal life but I guess when I publicly share self-portraits they sort of become public domain or public expressive sharing like they're no longer personal private photos of mine they are publicly published so it's just interesting the way I express myself and the waves that I surf based on what I choose to share! Painting of this self portrait photo of mine by Amy Scherer thanks for sending this to me Amy! grateful my photo was useful for art making!