Thursday, October 06, 2022

new song by Goddess KRING and Supaflower "Banana Split"


Banana Split by Shannon Kringen and Dave Flowers- Goddess KRING and Supaflower
underground lit up tunnel velvet corduroy-minded lined in divine purple rated rhinestone bloom-improve the mood dude- interlude solituded- rooted inside wider than before- in store adoring more. Uproar for sparked creation- Batcave all the rave- Brave minds think alike-drave minds they think alike- seized by synesthesia not amnesia- seed ya- seed ya- sea ya,. Opal essence scented Moon- lines tied unwind refined- beyond Oompa Loompa boopity do- grand piano synthesizer- at her wit's end- tending souls light- invite ignite entice- new lines- flower Style flow- braided kring glow- knowing- glow knowing. Synchronistically synergy- biggest cactus bloom you've ever seen- indeed deeds spiral staircase spins wind- towards vortex Frontier- no longer deer in headlights- spotlight gems take flight- spreading dazzle- no time zone- everyone has their own throne- we are prone to delight kissing our bliss- fizz fizz fizz- drizzled in lizard skin feeling kinship as tasty as banana split- don't give me no lip- enjoy your trip- zip zip zip.

Sunday, October 02, 2022

new kring poem

 Here's the poem that I wrote today- underground lit up tunnel velvet corduroy-minded lined in divine purple rated rhinestone bloom-improve the mood dude- interlude solituded- rooted inside wider than before- in store adoring more. Uproar for sparked creation- Batcave all the rave- Brave minds think alike- seized by synesthesia not amnesia- seed ya- seed ya- sea ya,. Opal essence scented Moon- lines tied unwind refined- beyond Oompa Loompa boopity do- grand piano synthesizer- at her wit's end- tending souls light- invite ignite entice- new lines- flower Style flow- braided kring glow- knowing. Synchronistically synergy- biggest cactus bloom you've ever seen- indeed deeds spiral staircase spins wind- towards vortex Frontier- no longer deer in headlights- spotlight gems take flight- spreading dazzle- no time zone- everyone has their own throne- we are prone to delight kissing our bliss- fizz fizz fizz- drizzled in lizard skin feeling a kinship as tasty as banana split- don't give me no lip- enjoy your trip zip zip zip.


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.