Saturday, May 08, 2021

zinc and Quercetin


zinc and Quercetin

increasing my zinc and Quercetin consumption.  Meat is an excellent source of zinc.
Red meat is a particularly great source, but ample amounts can be found in all different kinds of meat, including beef, lamb and pork.   Quercetin is contained in abundance in apples, honey, raspberries, onions, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables. Among vegetables and fruits, quercetin content is highest in onions. The bulb color and type seems to be a determining factor for quercetin concentration in onions

Friday, May 07, 2021

brainwashing and denial is alive and well in 2021

 brainwashing and denial is alive and well in 2021.  anyone who questions the mainstream is shamed.  i don't fall for this tactic of shutting off my common sense.  good luck all.

Was it Mark Twain that said "it's easier to fool people than to convince people that they've been fooled?"

Thursday, May 06, 2021

GoddessKRING 05 06 21 identity and self confidence, trauma

biodiversity and regenerative agriculture

 respect for nature instead of trying to control and conquer it.   things i admire and believe in:  biodiversity and regenerative agriculture.  you get "social credit" points for obeying orders.  it's creepy creepy stuff.  i don't do things unless i believe in them.  no thanks on some of the 'orders' being given right now.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Draw me online today!

 Draw me online: Wednesday, May 5th.
6:15 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time
3:15 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time
message me for private invite.
This is a session for the:

Web registration page:
Facebook event:

Monday, May 03, 2021

thank you truth seeking journalists who have the guts to speak up

 thank you truth seeking journalists who have the guts to speak up

Speak up! just listened to a podcast of 2 brave journalists speaking up about the some dishonesty happening in the world. These days anybody who has the audacity to question the conventional narrative is basically attacked, ostracized and made fun of...belittled and gaslighted and abused and I think it's important to continue speaking out. if anybody reading this wants a link to the video podcast that I just watched let me know. I'm not going to post it here because some social media sites heavily "shames" that kind of information... Just send me your email in a private message and I will send it to you that way. Good luck everyone and stay true to yourself. Don't be afraid to use your own wisdom and brain. Don't allow yourself to be peer pressured into things you don't believe in.

The most amazing thing about the two journalists that I just listened to who are on the same page basically= one of them is a female feminist journalist and one is a more pragmatic conservative male journalist and yet they both agree on many things happening in the world and what is ethical and what is not ethical. one is from England and one was from the United states... so it was interesting to see their ideas overlap. They Are now allies and yet before they had more opposing views. The world is changing rapidly. beyond duality.

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Draw me Wednesday May 5th 2021


Draw me online: Wednesday, May 5th.

6:15 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time

3:15 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time

This is a session for the:

Web registration page:

Facebook event:


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.