Friday, July 12, 2019

thank you Marianne Williamson

i am for #capitalism with #ethics yes. thanks #mariannewilliamson lining up policy with moral, ethical, humanitarian and democratic principles would be a healthier USA for sure. economic justice etc. national non profit public service healthcare etc. and yes she cannot "win" an election with our CURRENT system BUT it's important for humans to speak truth to power and RAISE the bar of intelligence and ethics in the MEDIA. so yeah for this wiser, smarter mind known as Marianne Williamson and Bernie Sanders lines up with this also.

more of my thoughts: Marianne Williamson cannot win an election with our CURRENT system BUT it's important 4 humans 2 speak truth 2 power & RAISE the bar of intelligence & ethics in the MEDIA. yeah 4 this wiser, smarter mind known as Marianne Williamson & Bernie Sanders lines up with this also.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Goddess KRING painting

new goddess kring radio show on today! July 11, 2019

new goddess kring monologue on radio today July 11, 2019

my show airs thursdays 3-4pm on "hollow earth radio dot org"

then i archive it on "mixcloud dot com slash goddess kring"

I recorded my 60 minute monologue in one sitting for my radio show this week I did a good job! My radio show is an Improvisational talk about my upbringing and patterns with my parents and my ideas on my purpose on this planet, never having had kids- being 50 and reflecting on my life so far- whatever is next etc it will air today Thursday july 11, 2019 on hollow earth radio
then I’ll add it to mix cloud. if you want to tune in and listen...or record your own show! Get a mic and audacity and record yourself! It’s easy and fun

Monday, July 08, 2019

new goddess kring monologue on radio this week

new goddess kring monologue on radio this week

I just recorded my 60 minute monologue in one sitting for my radio show next week I did a good job! My radio show is an Improvisational talk about my upbringing and patterns with my parents and my ideas on my purpose on this planet, never having had kids- being 50 and reflecting on my life so far- whatever is next etc it will air this Thursday july 11, 2019 on hollow earth radio then I’ll add it to mix cloud. if you want to tune in and listen...or record your own show! Get a mic and audacity and record yourself! It’s easy and fun


Sunday, July 07, 2019

Goddess KRING by Damon Kenner

Goddess Kring by Damon Kenner



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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.