Thursday, January 12, 2023

Kid Shannon age 10


just for kicks. me age 10! went to 3 different schools for 5th grade. lots of moving. pros and cons to this. south whidbey elementary, coupeville (north whidbey) and taumanhaus (alternative school- my favorite one with creative learn at your own pace and express your gifts and have them nurtured- we were treated as individual unqiue intelligent kids with talent and very highly respected by our teachers and the kids did not make fun of each other) my t shirt says "my gramma and grampa when to san francisco and all i got was this t shirt" more kid pics of me:

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Jeff Beck


#ripjeffbeck #jeffbeck i had the pleasure of hearing Jeff Beck live once and took these photos. what a magical musician he was. more music photos by me


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.