Friday, November 17, 2023

current ideas shannon kringen


Wow I just acted out with counseling students twice in a row and I love improvisational acting! I said totally different things even with same general script...each student generates different ideas in me. Fascinating work! I'm grateful

Note to self make a video about the dream you had where your dad that I got up on stage and saying his folk song that he wrote and what a beautiful pleasant dream that was mixed in with all of the stressful dreams that I've had lately

When people tell me that I'm off topic when I mention something that reminds me of something else that they're saying I wish that they would ask me hey that sounds off topic to me what do you mean by that and then let me explain that would be cool to learn something new! That's the way my brain works but I don't expect everyone's brain to work this way but it's good for me to assert this and just keep doing what I love and let people take it or leave it! My dad just sent me some cool inspiring quotes from Albert Einstein and it reminds me of to me I connect the dots and I think everything is connected so sometimes when people say hey what you're saying is off topic in my mind it's on topic and when I listen to Albert Einstein it validates something in me about how everything is connected and I have sort of a philosophical everything is relative way of looking at things and I see everything as a symbol and a metaphor and I see the microcosm and the macrocosm and the sort of mirror repetitive effect and so I'm going to write a new poem that has something to do with that although some of my poems already do have something to do with this topic and my own kind of abstract metaphorical way like ocean beam come clean come clean manifesting dreams blackfire feather rain inner energy life force come forth etc some of the lines that just pop into my head and I write them down and to me everything is connected and when you use your imagination you can build bridges instead of walls if you want to that's the way I see things all relative

Yes when I listen to Einstein quotes it it inspires me because I seem to connect the dots in a similar way not that I'm as amazing as Einstein but I think that his wavelength I resonate with a little bit the free association and the daydreameness of it all in the everything is relative and everything is microcosmicrocosm I totally understand that like on an intuitive level

And by the way sometimes the emperor still has no clothes! Smoke and mirrors

When people tell me that I'm off topic when I mention something that reminds me of something else that they're saying I wish that they would ask me hey that sounds off topic to me what do you mean by that and then let me explain that would be cool to learn something new! That's the way my brain works but I don't expect everyone's brain to work this way but it's good for me to assert this and just keep doing what I love and let people take it or leave it! My dad just sent me some cool inspiring quotes from Albert Einstein and it reminds me of to me I connect the dots and I think everything is connected so sometimes when people say hey what you're saying is off topic in my mind it's on topic and when I listen to Albert Einstein it validates something in me about how everything is connected and I have sort of a philosophical everything is relative way of looking at things and I see everything as a symbol and a metaphor and I see the microcosm and the macrocosm and the sort of mirror repetitive effect and so I'm going to write a new poem that has something to do with that although some of my poems already do have something to do with this topic and my own kind of abstract metaphorical way like ocean beam come clean come clean manifesting dreams blackfire feather rain inner energy life force come forth etc some of the lines that just pop into my head and I write them down and to me everything is connected and when you use your imagination you can build bridges instead of walls if you want to that's the way I see things all relative

Is this why I obsess sometimes when I read a bunch of snarky comments that people leave cuz they don't like me or my "public persona" or artwork etc. I kind of feel like I want to prove to them that I'm a good person I want to prove something but those are the kind of people that no matter what you say or do they're just going to be snarky! They want to play an ego game like Ping pong and smack the ball around! I don't understand why I don't just learn that that's how some people are!? It's like part of me is still a 6-year-old naive kid that thinks I can make friends with anybody like I'm in kindergarten maybe that is the part of me that's autistic that's like still like a 6-year-old little kid that's kind of not full of their own ego and just wants to be cooperative with other little kids blah blah blah even though we're all adults now right hahaha!?

Of course my favorite people are the ones who appreciate what I do and are inspired and see me as somebody who's cheering them on as they cheer me on instead of some weird creepy competition or some pigeonhole put each other down and criticize blah blah blah but then I can see why some people are freaked out by me because sometimes I do lose my temper and I get defensive and I've gotten into weird arguments with people and unfriended people- or had them unfriend me it's gone both directions- here on this website and there are some people that I know longer communicate with but the truth is if both me and them forgave each other and agreed to agree to disagree and we can move on we can maybe still connect but if they're not willing to apologize to me in the same way that I'm willing to apologize to them then we really can't really be friends anymore here online just some of my thoughts about the way people gossip about each other! My job is to do my art and share it and basically not worry about the people who like it or don't like it or feel neutral about it because I just read a thread of some people who don't like what I do or we're bitching about whatever they don't like about me blah blah blah which is totally fine because everyone is entitled to have whatever opinion about me that they want and I'm entitled to have whatever opinion I have but man people can be nasty and I have to just keep on doing what I love and when people pigeonhole you or stereotype you or label you it really is kind of a bad creepy feeling but I'm also trying to not do that to other people and be a hypocrite so... "think of me what you will/ I got a little space to fill" is a Tom Petty lyric that comes in handy right now for me!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Open to help with VCR VHS Goddess KRING archiving:


Open to help with VCR VHS Goddess KRING archiving:
I'll say that I'm really really grateful that we archived about 47 episodes of Goddess Kring so far but now we have to figure out why the VCR plays audio and DVD perfectly but it will not do visual video (it's BLANK blue smooth screen as if signal is not happening) I'm pretty sure that one of my old 1990 something VCR tape gunked up the VCR and we had to I put the cleaner through it the dry cleaner but that didn't work and the only VCRs we can get are used ones either online or at the repc store here in Seattle that sells tons of used VCRs I think they have 28 last time I looked but my concern is that we might go through several VCRs just trying to archive all of my 700 goddess kring videotape so I'm just going to take it one step at a time I celebrate that we have 47 episodes and that I can open those on my computer and look through them and edit and splice together new versions of my show and I guess I will ask for help from anybody who can help me but I do have about two or three Tech friends that give me advice and one main Tech friend that's willing to help me but he's kind of hard to get a hold of and lives like 30 miles away so this might be a really slow process but I'm just going to keep working on it and not give up! And yes I still want to work on making a documentary film and just take bits and pieces of whatever old footage I can archive and save but it's more important for me to make new material than it is to save every single old video tape that I made but I want to try to save all of the really good ones if possible but it's more important to make new art than it is to save all of the old art in my opinion but I would like to do both save the best old art and reconfigure it and make new art from it whether it be painting poetry video music photography etc all the different kinds of art that I do. My friend says he can take screwdrivers and open up my VCR and try to clean it with cotton swabs or q-tips and alcohol and we can see what that does other people say don't do that and other people say yes do that if anybody reading this knows how to properly clean a VCR let me know I might even call the RE-PC store and see if anybody does that kind of thing these days.


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Art Show that Shannon Kringen is part of Nov. 18th 2023


My eight paintings are mostly done! I painted clear coat on them and letting them dry... it's hard to get a photo cuz they're kind of shiny but here's what they look like just sitting on my floor drying! Seattle friends come to this art show coming up Saturday night! See our paintings! (And see my art car parked nearby) November 18th! Burien Arts Association Vision 2023 Gala. There will be appetizers, a range of drinks, and live music
When: November 18, 2023, from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: SeaTac Community Center, 13735 24th Avenue South, SeaTac, WA (by the Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden). Ample free parking.


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.