Wednesday, November 13, 2024

on staying informed


it would be nice if I could share my ideas and not wimp out and if people start attacking me and criticizing me for my point of view, I'm going to try to see if anybody says nasty things to me because of this little essay that I'm writing about my negative thoughts about the news media. If somebody wants to be really negative and criticize me, let's see if I can handle it and I can just let people totally disagree with me and keep this post up and I don't want to argue or debate with anybody. You're entitled to your opinion as much as I'm entitled to my opinion, every single person is a unique individual and we do not fit into little boxes . The way people are stereotyping each other these days is very disturbing to me and honestly I'll be friends with anybody who's nice to me. Even if they completely have different views than me on all topics in the world right now. I could be friends with anybody who actually is decent and respectful . The idea of staying informed is a good idea with good intentions, but if you're overwhelmed with information that makes you angry and scared and dreading reality, that seems to me like a very toxic thing. Kind of like eating junk food and not realizing YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO EAT REAL FOOD OR JUNK FOOD- feeding your brain Junk food is not going to help your brain function or the world be a better place and solve it's problems. It's not going to help you be a productive citizen. If you let yourself be overwhelmed and bombarded with mass media, that's sensationalizing everything. That's my opinion right now about some of the stress that I'm seeing. People overwhelmed and stressed out and they think that that's just because of what's really happening in the world and they're not actually aware of and being a witness to The sensationalized media conglomeration of high ratings and keeping people glued to the tubes to think that they're good citizens. If they soak all that in as if to think that once we have Utopia and World peace then what the news media is going to tell us how wonderful everything is? FAT CHANCE. Plato's allegory to the cave comes to mind= "In the allegory, Plato describes people who have spent their entire lives chained by their necks and ankles in front of an inner wall with a view of the empty outer wall of the cave. They observe the shadows projected onto the outer wall by objects carried behind the inner wall by people who are invisible to the chained “prisoners” and who walk along the inner wall with a fire behind them, creating the shadows on the inner wall in front of the prisoners. The "sign bearers" pronounce the names of the objects, the sounds of which are reflected near the shadows and are understood by the prisoners as if they were coming from the shadows themselves.
Only the shadows and sounds are the prisoners' reality, which are not accurate representations of the real world. The shadows represent distorted and blurred copies of reality we can perceive through our senses, while the objects under the Sun represent the true forms of objects that we can only perceive through reason. Three higher levels exist: natural science; deductive mathematics, geometry, and logic; and the theory of forms.
Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not the direct source of the images seen. A philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life"
you're missing out on actual full life. If you just fixate on what the media chooses to talk about and not realizing there's also things they're choosing to not talk about . I'm a human being that cares about everything happening in the world, but I don't feel it's my duty and obligation to get bombarded with information that perpetuates conflict and fear and anger and being manipulated into thinking that I'm a good citizen because I'm soaking all that in and that I'm supposed to try to fix the problem by being whatever kind of person people think that they have to be to be a hero and save the world from all the bad things happening etc. Feels like a trick to me and a manipulation. Feels like psychological warfare game that people are mistaking for the truth . Not that there isn't truthful things spoken about in the media but the way they sensationalize and fixate on negative things. We know that that gets higher ratings if they dramatize everything.. like when you see a car accident people want to look on the side of the road. But then when you see something cute and fun and nice you might not even notice that . mass media frenzy, I feel like it's a form of psychological warfare for people to get so hooked into sensationalized media ideas and mistaking that for actual reality and not realizing how persuasive media gossip is and that there is a difference between what's really happening for sure in the world versus what they talk about and how they say it and how many buttons it pushes in people. I'll probably delete this post because it's so-called controversial, but I think a lot of people are basing their mood on sensationalized media gossip in the mass media designed to manipulate and fear-monger people and stress people out and give people certain ideas of what's the gloom and doom in the world. And it's important to actually care about what's really happening in the world, but to think that you need to be focused on the sensationalized news media cycle about everything happening in the world- that is not good for your health and does not solve anything. IN FACT IT ADDS TO THE STRESS IN THE WORLD. Not just the United states, but like all over the world every like dramatic event that's happening in the world right now that that the news media talks about. I think a lot of people are mistaking their own real life. With the actual news media cycle, I don't think people realize that you're not helping the world by being stressed out and proving that you care by being stressed out in news media stories that are being told like we're not directly solving these issues by listening to by listening and "staying informed" of what the news media wants to tell you that doesn't actually help the world, it only like for me, it just stresses me out. So for me to stay informed by watching all of the mainstream news stories, that's not helpful and then people argue and label everything and it's like it's not helping the world to argue about what's true and what's false, what's gossip and what's legitimate newsworthy information blah blah blah. It's like it's not helping the world to do that and I'm not trying to make anybody feel bad. That's really into paying attention to all the news so they can stay informed and prove they're a good person who cares. But that just feels like a manipulation to me like you've been sucked into and manipulated into thinking that you're only a good person if you pay attention to all of the news stories cuz you're trying to prove that you don't believe that some of it is sensationalized BS because it kind of is. It's like gossiping. It's like high school kids gossiping there's a lot of money involved and they want good ratings. So it's like if we're sucked into that, we're missing out on what's actually happening in the world in a more real kind of way. And I honestly think people are mistaking sensationalize sound bites and stories reported on. Yeah, there are seriously bad things happening in the world, but to fixate on that and magnify it is not helping solve the problems. So to me it's like that's like eating junk food watching all of that sensationalized stressful information designed to give news sites, high ratings and high viewership so they can sell ads sponsored by large corporations trying to sell you products. It's not really helping the world. So honestly, I think the Dalai Lama would probably agree with me what helps the world is for people to be peaceful and affect their local community in whatever way they can. Family, friends, your career, whatever you can do in your actual life that doesn't involve sensationalized media stories that we don't have control over. taking care of your body mind and nervous system also helps the world and is not "selfish" and watching lots of media that is stressful to "stay informed" is not helping the world heal or solve it's problems or promote any kind of peace- when citizens are stressed out and arguing about that is true and false that is not fixing anything- only adding to the drama. WE ALL CHOOSE what to focus on.
and i know this is partly because of you know who saying "psuedo news" and it made some humans want to REBEL and "stay informed" to prove they care about world events- now i think that is trap that is best not to get sucked into. what do each of us want to build and reinforce as individuals as opposed to jumping on some band wagon and arguing about what is true and false?

Sunday, November 10, 2024

synchronicity 3 stories from my life

synchronicity 3 stories from my life


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.