Monday, September 14, 2020

draw Shannon Kringen today! and each Monday!

 Draw me today Monday Sept 14th.
1-3 pm and or 4-7pm drop in
pay what you can afford
message me for invite thanks!

Art Model Shannon Kringen

 pre-register is 1 CLICK AWAY:

 email me for a unique invite each session for safety

Hello friends if you know anybody that wants to draw me
on going online Mondays- email me for time: Pacific standard Time
$20-10 fee sliding scale beginners welcome!
I’ll be doing warm up gesture poses that are two minutes long
 and then do five and 10 minute poses for two hours! Thanks!
And this will be an ongoing figure drawing group that I’m running!

to pay:

zelle with US Bank kringgoddess at yahoo dot com

google wallet:



cash/check/money order:

Shannon Kringen
P O BOX 20355
Seattle, WA 98102


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About Me

My photo
seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.