Friday, February 23, 2024

autism money art

being on the neurodivergent spectrum and navigating life as a full time free lance 1. art model, 2. medical model, "standardized patient" 3. dog walker/pet sitter/cat sitter 4. freelance artist/shoepainter/hire me to perform music/spoken word/act/etc. random improv fun multi media whatever floats our boats, art car parades etc. earning money in tons of freelance ways while i publish my art freely mostly but i do have 2 members only websites that earn me some money mostly i earn money with art and medical modeling and pet sitting. dog walking etc. and i share my art for free! i am proud that many of my photos from flickr have been published on national websites. and seattle magazine recently interviewed me and theres a profile of "Goddess KRING" coming out in march 2024. have been interviewed many times by various people and i enjoy this kind of communication! thanks everyone who is supportive! hope to inspire you to do whatever you LOVE!


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About Me

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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.