Saturday, March 16, 2024

Goddess KRING in seattle magazine

 I am at Elliott Bay Bookstore on Capitol Hill Seattle and it feels so good to see a magazine for sale in this establishment that has an article about my art in it! this is amazing! this is a dream come true! and it's so validating and so exciting and so fun and I'm hoping a whole bunch of people read the article and feel inspired by it in some positive way!!!! Thanks Brad Holden for interviewing me about being part of Seattle history I am completely thrilled and honored and happy to be part of this project of expression!!!! We are finishing our music CD tomorrow and we're releasing the "Kring Flowers" original song CD and in conjunction with my poetry book "Kringonian Pizzazz" and my trip to Houston Texas for the Art Car festival and parade! I just want to promote all of it and just share it with whoever is interested in my creative projects! please spread the word anyone reading this that is interested or if you have friends or family that are interested! I love to connect with the community that's larger than myself through all of my art and music projects and my art modeling as well and my pet sitting in dog walking all of it is connected! Thanks



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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.