Monday, March 09, 2020

Seattle Art Model for Hire Shannon Kringen

I am open to working one on one in studios for those who want to brave the virus- i am being careful. Art Model for Hire! email me for rates and references! thanks. kringgoddess at yahoo dot com

Sunday, March 08, 2020

virtual Art modeling by Shannon Kringen

 wanted to share this idea with you:

Virtual art modeling: Here’s an idea for us art models and those who love to draw and paint us:

One art school hired me to pose for the Instructor on video she’ll do a demo- and she’ll take still photos of me posing in a body suit and the the students will draw and paint me from home after she uploads them online and I’m signing a model release - great idea she had and I’m grateful to be part of it - so just letting you know I’m open to this kind of virtual modeling for students! How many other art models are open to this?

another idea is for models to submit their own photos with a model release form and permission for these images to be used by students to draw from at home with the models being compensated for their photos being helpful for students to make their art work


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.