I don't want the documentary film we're making to just be a way of glorifying what I did on public access,! I want it to be a more honest look at the positive and negative side of what I created and aired on public tv. I think it's ultimately positive and inspirational -hopefully- but there was a dark side to what I was doing and you could say my boundaries were "inappropriate" or whatever maybe that's my neurodivergence maybe that's some kind of emotional woundedness that I have-or maybe that's because people are used to television being completely fake and people exaggerating their ego in a show off kind of way and I really wasn't doing that? I'm a human that's always wanted to share both my beauty and my flaws for some reason....Seriously curious about all the people who did not like my public access TV show "Goddess Kring" and what they said I guess people thought I was crazy people thought I was on drugs people thought it was just weird people thought it was too repetitive I'm just curious what are the negative comments aside from I was accused of being a narcissist and being an attention whore. Should I spell it "horror" cuz the internet wants to censor that word for some reason when I type it ha ha. So if anybody reading this used to watch my show whether you like it or didn't like it or even just felt neutral about it I'm open to your feedback I want to learn from the feedback I receive and it will help me write the storyline for this documentary film that we are starting to make.
Part of why I like to create and broadcast things is because the mainstream media drives me nuts!!! and I want to create my own media....to counter that....I think that if more regular people created their own media and ignored the mainstream media that would be better culture! would be healthier! Handmade media
Workaholic me! I did it!!!! today was my first day off in several days and I resisted the temptation to take an emergency art model gig... I waited and waited and waited and then I said if they really couldn't find anybody I could do it and thankfully they found somebody else... although the workaholic a?in me wishes that I got in the gig but the thing is I need a day off every once in awhile! I work so much!
I will preface this by saying I do love the Taylor Swift song that's called "Carolina" from that movie the crawdad sing I love that song that is quite beautiful the melody and the lyrics and the spaciousness....As for all the drama about Taylor Swift and football games and her boyfriend etc... imagine what it's like to be as famous as her and how the important thing in life is to stay grounded and in touch with the reality of what it is to be a human being and yet when you're in the spotlight like that then you choose what you're going to do and what you're not going to do and the way people project positive and negative things on to you must be a bit draining and stressful and distracting to real life important things ...and yet you have to tune all of that out and just focus on doing what you actually believe in which for her apparently is writing and recording songs and performing and thanking her fans for showing up and listening... I'm not a huge fan of her music but I do love her positive energy and admire her intelligence and her longevity, her talent and her prolific songwriting I really admire and I love seeing videos of her as a little kid and have from a young age she wanted to do what she's doing right now and she stuck with it and she made her dreams come true and I think that is pretty inspiring! and her philanthropy and her ability to apparently focus on what's positive and try to tune out the people who project a bunch of negative junk on to her but she's a real person with flaws just like everybody else... she's multifaceted I'm sure. I also think that the media uses people that are famous like her just to create drama and generate ratings so they can sell more products and so it's partly a manipulation to get sucked into arguing about all of this and football and her being at the football games or whatever... I don't even watch TV! I don't watch football games... I just keep seeing people gossiping about all of this so I thought I would give my take on it. I'm for the freedom of thought to think whatever you want about this topic. I think people just enjoy venting and having something to project onto and let off steam. Famous people in the media are used sometimes for this purpose we see famous people as heroes and villains usually one or the other