Friday, February 16, 2024

cancel culture vultures SONG

cancel culture vultures SONG

cancel culture vultures: cancel culture vultures virtue signal soldiers illusion towards virtual reality scapegoaters freeloaders gaslight ignites BS in flight lady and gents artificial intelligence psuedo science official regrets make sense fact checkers playing chess checkers reject that sniffing cat intact out the back door instore more dophamine amore cancel culture vultures virtue signal soldiers illusion towards virtual reality scapegoaters freeloaders gaslight ignites BS in flight enhancing serendipity melting the black hole lady skating pretty frauds a foolin all who drool to your power lines manipulations whipping the goat scorpio moat razors choke the bloom you said you'd be here but you never showed/never showed cancel culture vultures virtue signal soldiers cancel culture many vultures illusion towards virtual reality distracted by reality scapegoaters freeloaders changed the name but it's still the same game gaslight ignite BS in flight you said you'd be here but you never showed around the ceo table alone with ghosts repressing blaming power tripper soul ripper trigger words get you cancelled propaganda in this landa understanda not far from the you know what chicken butt pluck pluck pluck

Thursday, February 15, 2024



UFO Camera by Goddess KRING produced by Supaflower from Interactive Jack Records 2024 Goddess KRING music you tell me baby,  siding traction ufo camera, gliding oysters fraction, dimes in sunshine minding gumption, suction, riding neuroplastity, classing the city with me, crystal shelled saffron, heavy feather, braided layers and layers, you tell me baby, ufo camera filled with oysters, entwining loxahatchee, full figured lizard queen, you tell me baby,  abraxis axis, tahmanhaus treehouse, staircase saturation, lacemint of jazz man jasmine, frip on the frazz, dazzled in  mint green pastachio, slumber silkened, smooth sheets, icy lights, entice dice thrice thrice thrice, the spice, max up the trip trap, tapping dance hands envelope standards, tapping dance hands envelope standards, baby, you tell me, a ufo camera filled with oysters,  i dreamt i had zha zha zha zha zha zha, man youre handsome, lets dance soon, zha zha zha zha zha zha zha, i dreamt i had zha zha zha zha zha zha


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.