Wednesday, May 25, 2022

hand painted shoes by shannon kringen

 i have just been commissioned to paint onto shoes for a new person who likes my aRt. KringWEAR

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

new recording

 Just recorded a little monologue about boundaries and self-esteem and loving music and feeling almost ashamed. If I really love music that other people say they can't stand, I don't know why I feel insecure in that way. Like I'm supposed to apologize for liking certain music that other people don't like. That's just really weird because it's not like I want everyone to like the same music as me. That's fine with me if they disagree, but for some reason I feel like they're telling me that I am not okay in liking the music that I like so I know that's some kind of weird wound from childhood or other kids bullying me or some kind of ridiculous thing that I need to heal from


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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.