Wednesday, September 08, 2021

comedy show!

 got a ticket to a comedy show! going solo! yeah. easier to go alone- complicated to coordinate with someone else plus this comedian is "controversial" and i love their humour and want to fully enjoy without some other person's opinion distracting me!

underwater selfies


taking a break from art modeling online this Friday. draw me again Friday September 17th 2021 11am to 2pm. private group. just ask! more underwater selfies here

Shannon Kringen in the forest

Monday, September 06, 2021

Creative Photographer and Nature Lover me

 Creative Photographer and Nature Lover Shannon Nicole Kringen

need a photo for your blog or website or screen saver?  use mine for free just give me photo credit and spread the word about my photos!  and you can hire me to take photos or donate to me or join my patreon for as little as $1.00 per month just ask. thanks.


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About Me

My photo
seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.