Friday, July 23, 2021

draw me today!


today: Draw me "Art Model Shannon Kringen" online Friday July 23rd 11am-2pm PST (1-4pm Central time, 2-5pm Eastern time)
in a private zoom session. sliding scale fee. share your email with me in comments and i can send you an invite and more details

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated...

one of my wounds from childhood is feeling ashamed i was even born. thats pretty awful and it's reared its head again recently. just did this video monologue about it which helped me feel better and more "valid" in my own skin. Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated feelings by Goddess KRING

Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated feelings by Goddess KRING

 one of my wounds from childhood is feeling ashamed i was even born.  thats pretty awful and it's reared its head again recently.  just did a video monologue about it which helped me feel better and more "valid" in my own skin

childhood neglect is invisible but it's still having an effect on me.  wish i had a higher self esteem and it's not helpful when others accuse me of being too 'into myself'  i feel like i ABANDON myself and this triggers anger. but mainly it's ME that is mean to me! and thinks it's "selfish" to do self care etc. and put me first.

video monologue uploading here:

Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated feelings by Goddess KRING

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Draw Art Model Shannon Kringen Friday July 23rd 2021

 Draw me "Art Model Shannon Kringen" online Friday July 23rd  11am-2pm PST  (1-4pm Central time,  2-5pm Eastern time)
in a private zoom session.  sliding scale fee.  share your email with me in comments and i can send you an invite and more details.


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About Me

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seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.