Friday, June 26, 2020

Goddess KRING radio 062520 poetic controversial thoughts on current life

Goddess KRING radio 062520 poetic controversial thoughts on current life

my ideas on current medical and financial reality on earth! poetry and monologue i created. hope to inspire others to think whatever they want.

focused on health and survival BOTH financial and physical. good luck to all! thanks for being here!

more music and podcasts here:

Tom Petty - You Don't Know How It Feels (Home Recording) [Official Lyric...

This makes me happy heart felt home demo by tom petty - love his
phrasing and pronunciations of words- more southern in this recording- -
the lines are different in places too- “I’m so tired of being tired/
sure as night will follow a day/ most things I worry about never happen
anyway”. Is a lyric dear to my heart which is in this demo of you don’t
know how it feels but it actually ended up in another beautiful song on
wildflowers called “crawling back to you! “. I pay very
close attention to song lyrics and I absolutely love the details!
Truthfully I don’t really read many books but I listen to tons of songs
and I know the lyrics to many many many songs by Tori Amos and Tom Petty
and Neil Young and Bob Dylan and beck etc- I’m a really slow reader
probably dyslexic but I’ve never been diagnosed but I’ve always been
more into soaking up music and movies dialogue in movies that actors
speak I tend to memorise song lyrics and movie lines

face masks and neck gaiters for sale by me and controversial thoughts!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

draw me friday night june 26th 2020 645pm-9pm PST

draw me friday night 6/26/20 tomorrow!  645pm-9pm PST.  sliding scale.  twenty dollars to one dollar!  whatever you can afford! sign in here tomorrow night! 

click here to draw me free and easy to join, no "app" needed for jitsi meet"
Draw Shannon Kringen Friday June 26th 2020  645pm-9pm: 

pay now or when you sign in!

pre-register is 1 CLICK AWAY:

zelle with US Bank kringgoddess at yahoo dot com

google wallet:


cash/check/money order:
Shannon Kringen
P O BOX 20355
Seattle, WA 98102

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Goddess KRING did a fun collaboration on #igtv music, drawing, modeling

after doing:  sharing about doing a two hour collaboration with artist:  on his #igtv  i played my keyboard as he did a self portrait for the first hour then i posed as he did more self portraits and drew me posing at one point! 

see the videos here:

and here: 

i have patreon:   

face masks and neck gaiters for sale: 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Goddess KRING live on #igtv June 22, 2020 7-9pm PST

tonight i am doing this event online: random event! i am live on #igtv
tonight collaborating with Interdisciplinary Visual Artist Monday June 22nd 7-9pm Pst! check
us out! he'll be painting a self portrait, ill be playing my keyboard i
think and posing as an art model! you can draw or paint either one of us
or just watch us! hang out with us online! im an artist and art model! cheers!

i will be live on #igtv tonight 7-9pm PST

i will be live on #igtv tonight 7-9pm PST

random event! i am live on #igtv tonight collaborating with Interdisciplinary Visual Artist Monday June 22nd 7-9pm Pst! check us out! he'll be painting a self portrait, ill be playing my keyboard i think and posing as an art model! you can draw or paint either one of us or just watch us! hang out with us online! im an artist and art model! cheers!


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About Me

My photo
seattle, Washington, United States
multi media aRtist and fine art model.