end of the year Goddess KRING radio show 12-31-20
thoughts and life events effecting me and those around me. compassion
empathy and forgiveness in all directions. ethics, heart and soul.
sending good wishes to all. sorry for the mistakes i have made and also
sorry that some humans i feel are not forgiving me- but i need to just
move on and do my best no matter what. i have many flaws- and many
gifts. may we all shine bright and keep loving. thanks everyone who
appreciates what i offer and i am happy if you get something out of my
expression! if you want to make your own radio podcast ask me how! it's
fairly simple to create one! blessings and happy almost 2021! https://www.patreon.com/posts/45646122
Thursday, December 31, 2020
end of the year Goddess KRING radio show 12-31-20
goddess kring shannon kringen podcast on many platforms
goddess kring shannon kringen podcast on many platforms
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
free speech platforms
i joined "rumble", "bitchute", "parler", "weme" they allow more
diversity of thought, ideas, expression etc. i share there and find
other free thinkers there. i might also join "Odysee" for video sharing
and watching.
Shannon Kringen on "mewe"
Goddess KRING bitchute videos:
Shannon Kringen on parler:
Shannon Kringen videos on rumble:
my main website:
my radio show "Goddess KRING" radio on hollow earth radio is a free speech platform:
Goddess KRING podcasts on hollow earth radio every thursday
3-4 pm pacific standard USA time zone (west coast in the usa)
Goddess KRING radio archived on mixcloud every week:
you can also join my patreon to support my creative expression artist and model shannon kringen
free to publish my photos under creative commons:
thanks everyone. good luck to us all.
~Shannon Kringen Goddess KRING
human being who loves nature (not chemicals)
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
random life
Had an interesting dream last night that my cat Stella came back to life
and then for some reason there was a clone of Stella so I had two
Stellas and I was trying to figure out how to find the second Stella and
bring both Stella's home to my cat keesoon and hope that all three of
them would get along!!! and in the dream my dad and my other friend was
with me and we were visiting like three of my old apartments and trying
to find the cats and figure it all out.
I had a really nice
massage last night my only issue was when I walked into the massage room
I could smell that they had just disinfected it with really strong
chemicals and it made my lungs hurt and my eyes burn and I told the
massage therapist I was sensitive to chemicals so then he allowed us to
move into a different massage room that had been cleaned earlier so that
the fumes weren't so bad. Oh the irony of everybody being concerned
about their health and safety but then we get carried away and use
chemicals to clean everything and then we have another thing to be
concerned about is exposure to chemicals can harm your health so be
careful everyone if you're using harsh chemicals to clean I never use
harsh chemicals in my house I use non-toxic unscented soap to clean my
body to clean my house to clean my dishes and to clean my laundry. and
as you know I also spend time outside in the forest around the good
microbes nature is not sterile. Not all microbes and microorganisms are
pathogens some are actually helpful and honestly if we wipe out
everything and sterilize everything we weaken our health so watch out on
I think every person is like their own universe we're all
so different that's how I see it I don't understand most people and they
don't understand me but at least I can communicate
I guess my
life is mostly a monologue that I do with myself and for anybody who
wants to listen the way I connect with people is probably not very
typical I have a few friends that I talk to on the phone and that I've
hung out with in person and the creative writing group that I belong to
etc but I mostly actually enjoy doing things on my own especially now
with all the new changes happening that are probably going to be
permanent I'm realizing that I actually prefer doing things on my own
anyway and now whether we like it or not that's what we mostly have to
do...And yet when I'm alone away from other humans I'm still with plants
and animals in nature so I'm not really alone in a bad way I'm with the
entire world
enjoying the holiday lights after my massage
walking around because I parked 20 minutes away to get the free parking
and the good exercise and then I enjoy the neighborhood
self-publish my art and print it on books and billboards and share it with anybody who wanted it
vision: Buy lots of land and declare it a wildlife sanctuary and live
on it probably build my dream home in the hundertwasser Kring Style and
have my own power generator and solar panels and live is off-grid as
possible grow my own food and have a farm regenerative animal farm and
have people help me learn how to do all of that
always question authority
I'm close to is a really good photographer so hopefully he's going to
take some professional quality photos of me soon so I can update my two
websites that I won't mention here if you want to know what they are
just ask privately
in the forest on my walk I made a couple short
videos that I'm going to upload to the website where I'm allowed to
share my free speech but I won't even say what that is here but if you
want to know just ask but usually when I say this nobody says anything
so whatever I'm just going to share what I really feel on the websites
that allow it good luck everyone enjoy your life
hoping I can
make peace with the fact that when I'm by myself I have a much better
time than when I try to do things with other people lately even more
intensely now than ever before
LOVING THE ALIEN is such a well
crafted david bowie song. love the strong solid melody structure. as
strong as a tori amos or tom petty melody. i am VERY tuned into melody
in music. it was 1984 not 1999! I love the David Bowie album from 1984
called tonight I got it from the library recently and man I forgot how
much I love some of the songs on there there's one called loving the
alien which is a great song the hit from that album is blue jean which
is also a cool song but not my favorite.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Goddess KRING radio 12_17_20 close to nature
Goddess KRING radio 12_17_20 close to nature
Goddess KRING radio 12_17_20 close to nature, poetry and monologue by Shannon Kringen
more on my radio recordings and music and spoken word here:
Goddess KRING podcasts on hollow earth radio every thursday
3-4 pm pacific standard USA time zone (west coast in the usa)
free music by me https://goddesskring.bandcamp.com/
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Many Art links of Shannon Kringen
Multi Media Artist and Art Model Shannon Kringen
main site:
newest facebook page:
Art Model Shannon Kringen
Goddess KRING podcasts on youtube:
my designs printed onto masks and neck gaiters:
Goddess KRING podcasts on mixcloud:
Goddess KRING Artist and Model on Patreon
Goddess KRING podcasts on Bandcamp:
Goddess KRING podcasts on hollow earth radio every thursday 3-4 pm pacific standard USA time zone (west coast in the usa)
Shannon Kringen Photos:
Shanon Kringen Music:
Shannon Kringen Spoken Word/Poetry:
Intuitive Natural Artist Shannon Nicole Kringen
Art Model Shannon Kringen
KringWEAR Hand Painted Shoes
by Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Abstract Designs:
Twitter Goddess KRING
Shannon Kringen LinkedIN
aRt, Identity and the Sacred
Shannon Kringen's 140 page book of multi media aRt.
Shannon Kringen YouTube Videos:
Shannon Kringen Vimeo Videos:
Shannon Kringen Art Facebook
Weird Washington Page on Goddess KRING Hero:
Short Doc. film On Goddess KRING
Typecast Dragon http://www.thelastquest.org/documentary/typecast-dragon
Tumblr Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Livejournal
Shannon Kringen on Wordpress
Shannon Kringen on Pinterest
Art by Shannon Kringen on Redbubble:
Artist Shannon Kringen on Fine Art America
donate to me:
zelle with US Bank kringgoddess at yahoo dot com
google wallet:
cash/check/money order:
Shannon Kringen
P O BOX 20355
Seattle, WA 98102
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Goddess KRING radio
listen to my new radio show today on mixcloud. free- it's goddesskring on mixcloud dot com. my dads two folk songs are on my show from today! 12-10-20 https://www.mixcloud.com/goddesskring/
on talent and success and my parents and me
on talent and success and my parents and me
I'm proud of my dad's
songwriting abilities he wrote a song called feather about a horse when
I was a kid and I wanted a horse it's a beautiful folk song and he's
sang it and played guitar and recorded it and then another song called
slow down but almost became the theme song to a Hollywood b movie but
then they changed their mind and my dad got discouraged my dad is a
talented songwriter and he also is very clever with comedy and he's just
very witty and smart and a good writer I inherited some of his
talent...the sad part is that both my dad and I suffer from insecurity
and we're like ashamed of being too into ourselves and self-indulgence
so we hold back both of us seem to do that we were both very talented
even sounds egotistical for me to say that but I think if somebody has a
gift they should share it with the world and give to the world with
their gifts just like any songwriter singer dancer actor scientist
anyone who has any gifts should share it with the world and not feel
like it's selfish to show off or whatever
My dad's two folk songs are on my radio show right now pretty cool! Gus Kringen!
Goddess KRING radio 12-10-20 featuring my dads folk songs
monologue by me on today's reality and two of my dads folk songs he wrote and recorded. enjoy! more of my music and poetry here;
my radio show also airs on "hollow earth radio dot org" each week!
Goddess KRING radio 12-10-20 featuring my dads folk songs
just recorded: "Goddess KRING radio 12-10-20 featuring my dads folk songs" = monologue by me on today's reality and two of my dads folk songs he wrote and recorded. will air today hollow earth radio dot org 3-4pm pst.
Wednesday, December 09, 2020
creative writing group
had a good creative writing group online! 5 of us counting me. we read
in a circle what we wrote in the past then write something new with
prompt words and read aloud in a circle. it's fun
stuff i write is here:
Tuesday, December 08, 2020
Thursday, December 03, 2020
Tuesday, December 01, 2020
for my patrons new photos by shannon kringen and loopholes in the law poem
for my patrons new photos by shannon kringen and loopholes in the law poem
thanks for your support!
Sunday, November 29, 2020
positive until proven negative? by shannon kringen
positive until proven negative? by shannon kringen
see beyond the screens
See beyond the screens! this is why I save weird plastic things that products come in because I can take photos like this hahaha
Friday, November 27, 2020
Goddess KRING radio, thanksgiving AND honest thoughts on lack of ethics 11-26-20
Goddess KRING radio, thanksgiving AND honest thoughts on lack of ethics 11-26-20
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
stay human and close to nature
stay human and close to nature. we are part of the ecosystem! Listening to a podcast on natural light and circadian rhythms of the body. good smart wise info pretty intuitive Info that's it's helpful to get outside rain or shine daily for air light and even challenge yourself with hot and cold temps - totally not natural to be in temp controlled environments 24/7. I have plant grow lights and open my windows even in winter and I go outside every day in nature and dont use fake lights unless I have to
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Goddess KRING radio jam- harmonica/echo/monologue free improv. 11-19-20
Goddess KRING radio jam- harmonica/echo/monologue free improv. 11-19-20
my Goddess KRING radio show called "Goddess KRING radio jam- harmonica/echo/monologue free improv. 11-19-20" plays correctly on my mixcloud archive! but on "hollow earth radio dot org" the first 15 minutes played 4 times in a row? how odd? have no idea why. it should be the same 60 minute track on both sites!
I apologize to anybody listening to my Goddess Kring radio show today for some reason what I recorded is repeating itself and I have no idea how I did that because I recorded in a very simple way where I make one 60 minute track and I record it in one sitting in order so the fact that it's repeating itself is bizarre to me it's like the Twilight zone? I have no idea how I could have technically done that???? is my brain so chaotic that I somehow accidentally doubled my recording that makes no sense- I use audacity and I splice my show together in order I start and stop and start and stop recording so how could it be repeating because I would have had to copy cut and paste and repeat tracks for it to do this??? my radio today was supposed to be 60 minutes of original recording but instead it's the same 15 minutes played 4 times in a row? i edited wrong? i have no idea how i did that? the whole show did not play.
Goddess KRING radio November 11, 2020 random thoughts
Goddess KRING radio November 11, 2020 random thoughts about life https://www.mixcloud.com/goddesskring/goddess-kring-radio-november-11-2020-random-thoughts-about-life/
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
stay close to the magic and creative spark of life http://shannonkringen.com

Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Monday, November 16, 2020
Goddess KRING radio podcast etc
i guess i speak into the mic to an imaginary audience mostly on my Goddess KRING radio show every week on hollow earth radio, mixcloud and patreon for one hour plus random recordings i make on anchor that is cross published on many sites.... so if anyone listens great and if not, i listen to me! wish i could turn it into something more but at least i am expressing my ideas
science and nature
do you believe in science? the real kind yes. Spiritual practice- Mental health microbiome nature is my church https://anchor.fm/shannon-kringen/episodes/Mental-health-microbiome-nature-is-my-church-emibe0
stay connected to the microbiome and micro organisms in nature- plants animals- fermented foods with live active cultures. ground barefoot in the soil daily in the forest...balance in nature: Phytoncides are antimicrobial allelochemic volatile organic compounds derived from plants- when you walk in the forest you experience these...
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Creative Commons Art Photos by Shannon Kringen free to publish!
free to publish my photos from flickr under creative commons. i have 6,636 photos there i have been adding since 2005! 15 years of art by me. Shannon Nicole Kringen Artist and Model. https://www.flickr.com/photos/shannonkringen/
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Art by Shannon Kringen
Monday, November 09, 2020
spending time with microorganisms in soil=
inarchaea, bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae, protozoa, and a wide
variety of larger soil fauna, including springtails, mites, nematodes,
earthworms, ants, insects that spend all or part of their life
underground, and larger organisms such as burrowing rodents. yeah
Saturday, November 07, 2020
find me on one facebook page only now
heads up: the only account i am now posting to on facebook is here and it's only for my aRtwork and words- nothing personal ever again: https://www.facebook.com/nicole.kringen/ and this could change at any time beyond my control so find me elsewhere just search “shannon kringen” or “goddess kring” thanks. shannon kringen dot com is my main art site.
Thursday, November 05, 2020
todays goddess kring radio show LISTEN IF YOU DARE!
Wednesday, November 04, 2020
Goddess KRING radio airs on hollow earth radio dot org thursdays 3-4pm pst
Shannon Kringens podcasts and radio shows
i just recorded a new show!
Goddess KRING radio
Goddess KRING radio airs on hollow earth radio dot org
thursdays 3-4pm pst.
free to listen!
Goddess KRING podcasts free and easy to listen to on 5 websites.
i record and broadcast a new one every week. please share with anyone you want. thanks.
my podcasts are one hour long and free to listen to from 5 different websites:
Goddess KRING podcasts on youtube:
Goddess KRING podcasts on mixcloud:
Goddess KRING podcasts on patreon
Goddess KRING podcasts and music on Bandcamp:
Goddess KRING podcasts on hollow earth radio every thursday
3-4 pm pacific standard USA time zone (west coast in the usa)
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
Goddess KRING radio: I, Shannon Kringen will be your host and will do improvisational monologues ranging from an audio diary to topics like music, art, spirituality, personal growth healing, travel, naturism/nudism, personal philosophy, word play, seriousness, sillyness, stories from my unusual life... spliced with experimental spoken word and music i create....I had a long running public access tv show by the same title and this is a new version of that sans visuals. (it was on the air each week from 1996-2011! 15 years straight! all original content....i'm sort of an introspective extrovert....introverted/extrovert.....(i may in the future invite creative guests on and interview or dialogue with them- or have them share their own audio expressions/ creative topics but i seem love being solo for now sharing into the mic in my own solitary way) the overall message of my show is to "be yourself, no matter what they say" everyone is unique and has their own path....i love to amplify this and explore random ideas and synchronicities/sky-kring-nicity.... Bio: Multi Media Artist Shannon Kringen grew up in San Diego California and Whidbey Island Washington. She is a self taught photographer with a background in Graphic Design. She has worked as a figure model in Seattle since 1992. She completed her BA degree in Arts and Literature from Antioch University in 2013. She sees her creative expression as a tool to connect with community and a way of increasing self awareness and tap into a deeper wisdom within. Artist Statement: I work with cameras, microphones, written words and paint improvisationally. I am very kinesthetic and use my whole body when I create. In my photography, I fall in love with shape, texture and light while out wandering. I like to capture what is naturally there but in a way that abstracts it and allows the viewer to notice something new and different about ordinary physical reality. I carefully compose all my photos spontaneously as I am shooting moving the camera angle until I see what looks like a balanced, dynamic composition. In my painting, I allow my hands to move intuitively on the canvas creating shapes and textures that feel right. I repeat patterns and choose colors from somewhere beyond my thinking mind. I am very inspired by the repeating patterns I see in nature. Plants and animals move me a great deal. In my spoken word and musical creations I listen to words as they pop into my head and go into trance like states- playfully spinning words out as they come to me in a musical way.... I am taping into my unconscious and go into a dream like state when I create art.
Tuesday, November 03, 2020
shannon kringen spins in circles in the sunshine
shannon kringen spins in circles in the sunshine. simple pleasures of being alive.
Sunday, November 01, 2020
freshen my website? http://www.shannonkringen.com/
freshen my website? http://www.shannonkringen.com/
thinking again of redoing my whole website to link all my art and expression.
any tips of easy low cost website templates? etc? something easy for me to update my own site-
(NOT word press please have tried that NOT EASY)
GORGEOUS SUNNY DAY IN SEATTLE! having new mattress delivered soon! #Grateful
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Happy HALLOWEEN from Goddess KRING jester, witch, ghost, pirate!
Happy HALLOWEEN from Goddess KRING jester, witch, ghost, pirate! sharing current life and ideas.
Friday, October 30, 2020
current kring
I want to say thank you to the two female friends of mine that I had nice long phone conversations with today it makes me realize I would love to have more close female friends in my life and feel love and support and share that with women that's a really really good feeling thank you so much women in my life I would like to learn to be closer to other women I've mostly been a tomboy my whole life and most of my friends have been guys... Bonding with women is very healing to me
Here's a self portrait from a few years back on Halloween tomorrow I get to pose in full costume for an art class online! I'm grateful for the job and I'm going to figure out some interesting costume to wear and I'll take self-portrait photos of myself and share them here thanks everybody for your kind words and your comments I've been kind of freaking out lately but I'm doing better right now and my back is getting better and I'm happy about modeling jobs and it was a beautiful sunny day and I took a walk and I'm so grateful for my health
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Shannon Kringens podcasts and radio shows
Shannon Kringens podcasts and radio shows
i just recorded a new show!
Goddess KRING radio
Goddess KRING podcasts free and easy to listen to on 5 websites.
i record and broadcast a new one every week. please share with anyone you want. thanks.
my podcasts are one hour long and free to listen to from 5 different websites:
Goddess KRING podcasts on youtube:
Goddess KRING podcasts on mixcloud:
Goddess KRING podcasts on patreon
Goddess KRING podcasts and music on Bandcamp:
Goddess KRING podcasts on hollow earth radio every thursday
3-4 pm pacific standard USA time zone (west coast in the usa)
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
Goddess KRING radio: I, Shannon Kringen will be your host and will do improvisational monologues ranging from an audio diary to topics like music, art, spirituality, personal growth healing, travel, naturism/nudism, personal philosophy, word play, seriousness, sillyness, stories from my unusual life... spliced with experimental spoken word and music i create....I had a long running public access tv show by the same title and this is a new version of that sans visuals. (it was on the air each week from 1996-2011! 15 years straight! all original content....i'm sort of an introspective extrovert....introverted/extrovert.....(i may in the future invite creative guests on and interview or dialogue with them- or have them share their own audio expressions/ creative topics but i seem love being solo for now sharing into the mic in my own solitary way) the overall message of my show is to "be yourself, no matter what they say" everyone is unique and has their own path....i love to amplify this and explore random ideas and synchronicities/sky-kring-nicity.... Bio: Multi Media Artist Shannon Kringen grew up in San Diego California and Whidbey Island Washington. She is a self taught photographer with a background in Graphic Design. She has worked as a figure model in Seattle since 1992. She completed her BA degree in Arts and Literature from Antioch University in 2013. She sees her creative expression as a tool to connect with community and a way of increasing self awareness and tap into a deeper wisdom within. Artist Statement: I work with cameras, microphones, written words and paint improvisationally. I am very kinesthetic and use my whole body when I create. In my photography, I fall in love with shape, texture and light while out wandering. I like to capture what is naturally there but in a way that abstracts it and allows the viewer to notice something new and different about ordinary physical reality. I carefully compose all my photos spontaneously as I am shooting moving the camera angle until I see what looks like a balanced, dynamic composition. In my painting, I allow my hands to move intuitively on the canvas creating shapes and textures that feel right. I repeat patterns and choose colors from somewhere beyond my thinking mind. I am very inspired by the repeating patterns I see in nature. Plants and animals move me a great deal. In my spoken word and musical creations I listen to words as they pop into my head and go into trance like states- playfully spinning words out as they come to me in a musical way.... I am taping into my unconscious and go into a dream like state when I create art.
being warned on some sites so find shannon kringen on many other sites keep free thinkers
i am being warned by "efffff-book" that many of my art model posts and other words are "against community standards" so i may be deleted by them or i may erase myself to ease my stress and break my addiction to their stupid "ad sponsored" sites. i am temporarily blocked again for the second time now... find me in many other places- just search "shannon kringen" or "goddess kring" or follow me below if you want to connect:
https://mewe.com/i-front/shannonkringen http://www.shannonkringen.com/
Goddess KRING podcasts on youtube:
Goddess KRING podcasts on mixcloud:
Goddess KRING podcasts on Bandcamp:
Goddess KRING podcasts on hollow earth radio every thursday 3-4 pm pacific standard USA time zone (west coast in the usa)
Shannon Kringen Photos:
Shanon Kringen Music:
Shannon Kringen Spoken Word/Poetry:
Intuitive Natural Artist Shannon Nicole Kringen
Art Model Shannon Kringen
KringWEAR Hand Painted Shoes
by Shannon Kringen
my radio show "Goddess KRING"
Life of shannon Kringen audio podcasts
Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Abstract Designs:
Twitter Goddess KRING
Shannon Kringen LinkedIN
aRt, Identity and the Sacred
Shannon Kringen's 140 page book of multi media aRt.
Shannon Kringen YouTube Videos:
Shannon Kringen Vimeo Videos:
Weird Washington Page on Goddess KRING Hero:
Short Doc. film On Goddess KRING
Typecast Dragon http://www.thelastquest.org/documentary/typecast-dragon
TUmblr Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Livejournal
Shannon Kringen on Wordpress
Shannon Kringen on Pinterest
Art by Shannon Kringen on Redbubble:
Artist Shannon Kringen on Fine Art America
Shannon Kringen
PO BOX 20355
Seattle, Wa 98102
Sunday, October 25, 2020
happy birthday shannon kringen
happy birthday shannon kringen 52 today!
i tell everyone it's my birthday today 10/25! and i am honest about my age. 52 years. i follow my own rules in regards to how i express in some ways. i DO have a chip on my shoulder and don't wait around passively HOPING people will remember its my birthday! ha ha. good luck to all. thanks for wishing me happy birthday everyone who has. i feel lucky i made it this far and hope to live until 100. 2068!
Friday, October 23, 2020
tom petty birthday bash
[ | Tags | | | #tompettybirthdaybash | ] |
tom petty birthday bash!
Okay I finally got through the Tom Petty website is working now Stevie Nicks shared an amazing message about the friendship she had with Tommy...(those close to Tom Petty called him Tommy). Jackson Browne did a great version of The waiting! And beck a cool acoustic version of don't come around here no more and Adam Sandler sang she's so bad pretty cool! And now Lucas Nelson Willie Nelson's son is singing Southern accents this is a real treat for me Tom Petty wrote so many good songs so so so many great songs....And Lenny Kravitz just shared that Tom Petty took him on his first big tour and let him open for them in 1989 and made sure he got sound checks which I guess the opening act doesn't always get...and then he took him to vintage guitar stores and they remained friends that's so sweet #tompettybirthdaybash
an interview i did a while back on why i love Tom Petty music by a guy who does not like his music for the Stranger: http://lineout.thestranger.com/lineout/archives/2011/05/25/on-the-fence-tom-petty
Here’s more from Shannon Kringen:
How long have you liked Tom Petty?
I’ve loved the music of Tom Petty since 1979 when I was 11 years old. It was love at first listen, so to speak. Then I saw a photo of him on the cover of Damn the Torpedoes and I was totally hooked! Such a uniquely handsome man with a beautiful voice, lyrics, melody…great songwriter.
What is your favorite Tom Petty song?
I enjoy many of his songs, his most recent song I love is called “The Trip to Pirate’s Cove” from the Mojo album that just came out. Another favorite is “A Face in the Crowd” from the Full Moon Fever album from 1989. Each record has it’s own mood. I love songs from every album he’s put out in the last 22 years or so! He’s quite prolific. I also love the song “Louisiana Rain,” a country slide guitar song from 1979. Also the track “Turn This Car Around” from the Highway Companion album from 2006 is GREAT.
What do you like about Tom Petty?
His unique style of blending blues/country/folk/rock/jangled guitars with beautiful harmony vocals. It’s the Byrds, Dylan, George Harrison, Rolling Stones combo…and yet he has his own texture in his voice. It’s all his own even though you can hear the influence. His music is very serious and yet lighthearted and fun at the same time. Very sexy and romantic and yet angry and playful all in one. I find his sound soothing and yet it also helps me express my anger to listen to the more fast and loud songs.
What is your first memory of Tom Petty?
VIVID MEMORY! it was EPIC! Being 11 years old and hearing “Refugee” on the jukebox in a pizza parlor. I was missing San Diego, California where I was born and I had only been in Washington state for two years. When I heard those wailing guitars and the lyrics “Everybody’s had to fight to be free” and “You don’t have to live like a refugee,” I felt comforted big time! Somehow the music reminded me of California and the ocean. Then when I saw a photo and learned he was from Florida but his home base is Southern California it sort of cemented him in my mind as a shaman-like character that reminds me it’s all okay and just because my family chose to leave California abruptly and against my will I would be okay and I still have my comforting ocean/San Diego treasure within me. So, Tom Petty’s music is a symbol I use to help me feel better and more grounded in my own personal truth. It’s also a funny thing that I had never heard Tom Petty music while I was a kid in Southern California and yet the little boys I had crushes on when I was very young were always the blond haired blue eyed ones. So when I saw Tom Petty’s face after hearing his voice and loving the sound by itself it really melted my heart. What an archetype is he for me! Music is powerful that way.
Is there anything about Tom Petty that you don’t like?
He smokes cigarettes! (though i don’t really mind as I am not around him personally, but I hope he lives a long long time and keeps writing songs and stays healthy as long as possible.)
Well, so there you have it! Petty arguments for and against Tom Petty! How about you? Do you have to live like a refugee?
Thursday, October 22, 2020
free thinkers, rebels, authority questioners, trailblazers= thank you
free thinkers, rebels, authority questioners, trailblazers= thank you
recording my Goddess KRING radio show- have done this for 3 years now every week! have no idea who listens as i rarely get any feedback but i will keep expressing my soul for the rest of my life on this earth. my show is on hollow earth radio, mixcloud and patreon- i also do random shorter clips on anchor fm
thanks George Carlin and all the brave comedians and musicians and artists and REBELS in general for speaking out and keeping free speech alive and challenging the status quo and questioning authority.
Artist and Model and Free Thinker Shannon Kringen
Goddess KRING radio show
short clips i record:
Music by me
videos by me
me as a model
support my art expression
art photos by me
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
waldorf salad again? by shannon kringen 1997
waldorf salad again?
by shannon kringen 1997
A G A I N ?
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
why i record monologues
why i record monologues
i record my shows because it's the only way i seem to feel FREE to share my real self. i tend to be shy around others. i have two Goddess KRING radio shows i create myself. one on hollow earth radio one hour each week and one that is smart phone recording that copies all over the place in multiple sites- then i archive to mixcloud and patreon some of my recordings. i also have a bitchute and youtube channel BUT I AM NOT VERY POPULAR AND I DON'T CARE. I AM REAL. AND ECCENTRIC. SCREW BEING A FAKE CONFORMIST.
more recordings by Shannon Kringen Goddess KRING
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
videos by Shannon Kringen:
Authentic take me or leave me
Authentic take me or leave me
on being my real self people can
just take it or leave it I'm tired of thinking that I need to be popular
or get people to like me I just want to be myself take it or leave it
be authentic
more recordings by Shannon Kringen Goddess KRING
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
why tom petty WIDENS my jetty
why tom petty WIDENS my jetty
Tom Petty would have been 70 today
free speech yes what his music means to me protect your medical rights
and individual expression
more recordings by Shannon Kringen Goddess KRING
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
Sunday, October 18, 2020
yes free speech and ethics in medicine
yes free speech and ethics in medicine
the left used to be against censorship! but this has changed apparently. yes to keeping #FreeSpeech legal in the usa. ESPECIALLY IN REGARDS TO MEDICAL TREATMENT AND HEALTH. really admire Robert F. Kennedy, Jr for speaking out about ethics in health and safety for water, food, and medicine
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
had a delightful not even x rated dream with mick jagger
had a delightful not even x rated dream with mick jagger in it and poodles and parasols. woke up laughing- had a mary poppins mood. wrote a poem about it in creative writing group- will type out soon and share on my Goddess KRING radio show tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Sunday, October 11, 2020
please don't stereotype me or anyone
When humans dehumanize any group it leads to something really bad. The newest group that I'm seeing stereotyped and dehumanized are people like me who question the mainstream narrative in the media about the medical and financial crisis that were in right now.
Friday, October 09, 2020
Wednesday, October 07, 2020
random thoughts on the truth and fiction
random thoughts on truth and fiction
The way people lump all people together who question the mainstream narrative is ridiculous I think! I don't believe all so-called conspiracy theories anymore than I would believe all so-called mainstream news ideas or news... like there's truth and falsities in both- to stereotype people who question the mainstream narrative is really really harmful to free speech and democracy but that's just my opinion and you are entitled to think whatever the heck you want! I don't want to be the thought police or The virtue signaling guilt shame stereotyping of other people human being! no thanks to that! and yet I understand people want to be reassured that they know what is true and what is false and the reality of nowadays is that it's actually hard to tell what is true and what is false because there's so much money involved and so much advertising involved and so many conflicts of interest involved and so many different reasons why it's hard to figure out in the mass media what is true and what is false unless you actually see it for yourself and have a direct experience with it! so I have compassion for both people who question the mainstream ideas and those who go along with the mainstream ideas because they want to feel safe and like they know what is true and what is false I get it. In my opinion the reality is we have to accept the fact that we don't always know for sure what is true and what is false these days. I don't believe in pretending that what we're being told is fully true whether that's an alternative theory or a mainstream theory. Some accuse people of being paranoid that entertain unusual ideas and others accuse people of being brainwashed to just go along with the conventional media. I think it's a complicated issue and there's truth and false messages put in both alternative and regular conventional sponsored by corporation media
my main passion- to be my authentic creative self and inspire others to do the same and follow their dreams and their passions and whatever way they want as I follow mine...what I create: visual art- multi media, podcast monologue radio show poetry spoken word photography art modeling and designs that are non representational shapes inspired by nature
The dolly parton movie on netflix is great. What a smart talented songwriter she is - I admire her greatly- love the combination of her down to earth inner self with her outer highly made up persona
I slather coconut oil on my hands before one place makes me put that nasty chemical stuff on my hands then I can rinse off straight away and re apply the coconut oil for my skin! Thankful only one place I go makes me use that junk!
Walking barefoot on earth each day is good for you body and mind calms the nervous system too
was walking at night. changed to walking in the day time! feels better mood wise. then i take a second walk at night if i feel like it for both mind and body health and well being.
Sending Good ViBeS!
Spread Love joy and kindness!!!
Joyfully walked in the forest mostly barefoot hugged some trees and skipped down the road after and made some people laugh yeah
Just got some interesting random stuff at the food bank always fun to go there every week it's like a treasure hunt! there's also a food pantry near my house that I just donated some canned goods to because I had way too many canned things for myself
Food prices rising! Make sure you have supplies for winter etc if you can....
Very complicated stressful dreams last night- glad to be awake now even though certain realities are very disturbing to me in waking life. I will stay human with an alert mind and loving heart and soul part of nature and not a machine type human. Everyone is unique in their own way even if we all share common traits. Science in alignment with nature is the kind I follow not the kind that is harmful and trying to control nature
Yes the sickness going around I won't say the word is scary but you know what our medical system is also scary I'm hearing stories of doctors and nurses that are saying they're not agreeing with the treatment that's being forced upon some patients that might actually harm them so the hypocrites oath needs to be kept happening our medical system is based on profit and money so there's a conflict of interest sometimes and they also don't know what the best treatment is for some people so I am scared about the system
I love butter lettuce - is that what it's called? Perfect texture - been craving salad everyday along with the fatty meats I eat daily. My favorite salad is butter lettuce raw walnuts olive oil and apple cider vinegar for dressing and then I sprinkle a little sauerkraut and brewer's yeast or nutritional yeast on top of it some people call that hippie dust and maybe some sliced up green or red peppers and sometimes I put avocado in there
Blaring neil young and crazy horse in my car forgot how much I fucking love that music!!!! Primal sexual Instinctual music hits the spot (love Neil's acoustic guitar folky music as well)
Sending Love out to anyone who needs it! I know I do. I miss hugging my mom and my dad separately - glad I can touch my cat affectionately and glad I have a lover ...and can share time with the two in my creative writing group in person and also online.
So glad that both my parents are independently living in their own private homes and not in an old folks home because so many older people are being neglected and not allowed to have anyone visit them which makes them deteriorate and die a lot sooner than they would die otherwise for a multitude of reasons! I am totally against neglecting and abusing seniors in homes and that is what's happening in many different countries I'm hearing stories of nurses
To see healthcare being militarized is quite disturbing.
listening to Van Halen - Panama (never my favorite band but i appreciate the talent and love the guitar in Panama! #RIPEddieVanHalen the guitar in "hot for teacher" reminds me of jeff beck a little never noticed before. great talent #RIPEddieVanHalen
hummingbird hung out with me a while near a stream in the forest on my walk.
Tuesday, October 06, 2020
health is my focus
health is my focus
lately tom petty and neil young and tori amos
lyrics have been helping me stay grounded in wisdom. here is a line i
love from tom petty's 2014 song "YOU GET ME HIGH" from Hypnotic Eye "I
ain't afraid of what people say
Ain't afraid of the great deception
Every bad dream comes my way
Turns to smoke on closer inspection"
theory vs terrain theory. the whole "ecosystem" of your body chemistry
is important. "sterilizing germs" does not create health.
young lyrics helping me right now...change your mind is a brilliant song
from his sleeps with angels album..." When you're confused and the
world has got you down when you feel used and you just can't play the
clown" is one phrase that sticks in my head...
saying this again:
Walks in nature are good for your mental and physical health both.
your immune system is affected by everything you think and do everything
you eat and don't eat the media you choose to consume and the media you
choose to not consume your whole lifestyle choices everything your
thoughts your feelings your activities all affect your health and your
ability to stay healthy as well as your ability to heal from being ill
or at least have a better chance of healing. i walk barefoot often in
the forest in the mud. good bacteria there in the woods
i want
people to be free to question and have ideas. not on board with the
group narrative think right now that is telling us what we are supposed
to think. no thanks. i will think for myself and focus on health and
life and wisdom in nature not on fear and death and judging.
stories spread in the media I think are designed to scare people into
tighter control more restrictions more fear etc I refuse to focus on
fear and sickness and death I choose instead to focus on health and life
and the wisdom in nature
Do whatever you want and Today's motto for me is: Rise above the drama.
focus on health not fear and sickness but actual health for my body and
mind and wish people would eat healthy and stay connected to nature for
well being.
Friday, October 02, 2020
Goddess KRING radio on challenging the narrative 10-01-20
Goddess KRING radio on challenging the narrative 10-01-20
Thursday, October 01, 2020
be on each others radio shows?
who besides me has their own podcast radio show? want to be on each others shows? interview each other? teach me how to do that! i only know how to do the solo thing i do...have done my Goddess KRING radio every week for 3 years now...lets collaborate? message me! thanks
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
mental health update Goddess KRING and why i did not watch the "debate"
mental health update Goddess KRING and why i did not watch the "debate".
i am very grateful for free speech and health, and more. I respect
some wanted to watch the "debate" in the USA and I also respect my
desire to shield myself from toxic media in the same way I choose to not
eat at fast food restaurants! I expose myself to media I feel is
nourishing to my brain
Monday, September 21, 2020
Draw Shannon Kringen online today!
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Monday, September 14, 2020
draw Shannon Kringen today! and each Monday!
Draw me today Monday Sept 14th.
1-3 pm and or 4-7pm drop in
pay what you can afford
message me for invite thanks!
Art Model Shannon Kringen
pre-register is 1 CLICK AWAY:
email me for a unique invite each session for safety
Hello friends if you know anybody that wants to draw me
on going online Mondays- email me for time: Pacific standard Time
$20-10 fee sliding scale beginners welcome!
I’ll be doing warm up gesture poses that are two minutes long
and then do five and 10 minute poses for two hours! Thanks!
And this will be an ongoing figure drawing group that I’m running!
to pay:
zelle with US Bank kringgoddess at yahoo dot com
google wallet:
cash/check/money order:
Shannon Kringen
P O BOX 20355
Seattle, WA 98102
Monday, September 07, 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Goddess KRING speaking up for ethics, free speech, democracy 08-25-20
Goddess KRING speaking up for ethics, free speech, democracy 08-25-20 i care about ethics, health, democracy and free speech. Free speech ethics, democracy Goddess KRING 082520 question the narrow narrative
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Go Pro Goddess KRING
was able to load this one go pro video before my computer crashed again! will be moving into my new "used" computer in a few days! hope that works.
Friday, August 21, 2020
tom petty's beautifu speaking voice talking about channeling wildflowers start to finish
tom petty sometimes channeled songs quite literally. they just came through him directly. tori amos has talked about the same thing...all great songwriters seem to do this. some of my best poems just show up in my head i hear them and write them down. i love this creative magic! i consider it "spiritual"
tom petty's beautiful speaking voice talking about writing wallflowers.
thank you to the kind female who validated my assertion about doing things that help your health and for not buying into the dogma and virtue signaling judgements i did not agree with in a thread on someone's wall
Can't Stop the Sun
a friend gave me a computer that's an upgrade from my old computer and then I got a larger monitor that was used on sale today and now my friend is helping me set it up yay! I've had the same computer for 10 years so it's exciting to jump up to something
no straight lines in nature....my favorite painter Hundertwasser loved to talk about this
slavery would have not ended if we were not allowed to question authority. this applies in 2020. QUESTION AUTHORITY- keep free speech ALIVE AND LEGAL- womens right to vote another example
recording Goddess KRING radio on free speech and questioning authority today
thanks to all those speaking up for keeping free speech alive and for our right to question authority.
for increased health eat food as natural and organic as possible plant or animal foods with as few chemicals as possible
spend more time out in nature barefoot and swimming in natural water away from electronic man made things. it's very good for your health
my Goddess KRING radio:
random recordings:
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
support me here if you want thanks.
Artist and Model Shannon Kringen
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11/15 - 11/22
- Goddess KRING radio jam- harmonica/echo/monologue ...
- Goddess KRING designs on handbags!
- Goddess KRING designs on handbags!
- Goddess KRING radio November 11, 2020 random thoughts
- Alive in Nature Goddess KRING
- stay close to the magic and creative spark of life...
- natural swim Goddess KRING Shannon Kringen
- mud walk with Goddess KRING
- neon rain walk by shannon kringen
- aRtist and model Shannon Kringen
- Goddess KRING radio podcast etc
- science and nature
- microbes
- ► 11/08 - 11/15 (3)
11/01 - 11/08
- find me on one facebook page only now
- todays goddess kring radio show LISTEN IF YOU DARE!
- Goddess KRING radio airs on hollow earth radio dot...
- grounding in the lake wave
- shannon kringen spins in circles in the sunshine
- tree hugging peak a boo
- bathing feet
- anything is possible! (on my walk today! https:/...
- freshen my website? http://www.shannonkringen.com/
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About Me

- GoddessKRING
- seattle, Washington, United States
- multi media aRtist and fine art model.