Friday, December 31, 2021
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
mud walk with Goddess KRING
Hi Shannon Kringen,
We have reviewed your appeal for the following content:
Video: mud walk with Goddess KRING
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We will continue to age-restrict your content as we don't think it's suitable for younger audiences. This means it will not be visible to users who are logged out, are under 18 years of age, or have Restricted Mode enabled. It also won't be eligible for ads. Learn more about age restrictions.
The YouTube Team
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
kring link
Goddess KRING videos on youtube:
Goddess KRING podcasts on mixcloud:
Goddess KRING artist and art model on Patreon
Goddess KRING podcasts on Bandcamp:
Shannon Kringen Photos:
Shanon Kringen Music:
Shannon Kringen Spoken Word/Poetry:
Intuitive Natural Artist Shannon Nicole Kringen
Art Model Shannon Kringen
KringWEAR Hand Painted Shoes
by Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Abstract Designs:
Twitter Goddess KRING
Shannon Kringen LinkedIN
aRt, Identity and the Sacred
Shannon Kringen's 140 page book of multi media aRt.
Shannon Kringen Vimeo Videos:
Shannon Kringen Art Facebook
Weird Washington Page on Goddess KRING Hero:
Short Doc. film On Goddess KRING
Typecast Dragon
TUmblr Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Livejournal
Shannon Kringen on Wordpress
Shannon Kringen on Pinterest
Art by Shannon Kringen on Redbubble:
Artist Shannon Kringen on Fine Art America
Shannon Kringen
PO BOX 20355
Seattle, Wa 98102
Monday, December 13, 2021
Saturday, December 11, 2021
new post coming tomorrow #Patreon #goddesskring
Wednesday, December 08, 2021
Gage drawing jam Seattle 2021! I'm modeling in costume
i will be online art modeling in costume this Saturday December 11th 1pm to 4pm (time just changed) PST Seattle time zone: for Gage Drawing Jam Seattle
Tuesday, December 07, 2021
Monday, December 06, 2021
Goddess KRING 12--06-21 freelance career talk
Taking thumbnail photos for my new YouTube video I just recorded did a monologue improvisational! Still trying to get a thousand or more subscribers to my YouTube channel but I think the reality is I'm just not very popular so I really don't care and I'm just going to let that go but if you want to subscribe feel free it's gone up by 30 in the last month or two I guess so maybe in a year or two or three or five or 10 I'll have a thousand subscribers or more hahaha. new video
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Every day we chose what to focus on and this energy focus creates our lives. enjoy my improvisational video creations: up to 930 subscribers! help me reach my goal of 1,000 or more! thanks, #youtube #youtuber
Friday, November 26, 2021
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
juicy life art share
I'm baking banana bread for the third time with coconut flour my recipe gets a little better every time...
More good news I just got screened and qualified for an online survey they're doing and they pay you with a gift card that's pretty nice!
Yay I just had a meeting with some people that I'm going to work with in a new way and it went well... And I look forward to the new adventure that I'm going to be doing I just am not going to say anything about it I just want to keep it private that the details but let's just say it's something new and different for me and I'm really grateful for the opportunity. And I think it's a good fit for my personality in many ways... And whatever the challenges are I can learn from
glad my mom put me in alternative free thinking school. i learned to think for myself and question everything.
do what you love as much as possible.
welcome new ones! i now have 925 subscribers to my #YouTube help me reach my goal of 1,000 or more! thanks! hugs.
Got my Artesian well water last night at 11 something p.m. and nobody was there! it was great had the whole place to myself
Everything is perfect
Monday, November 22, 2021 #YouTuber
thanks subscribers! up to 924! help me reach my goal of 1,000 #YouTube subscribers!
thanks from Goddess KRING
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Goddess KRING 111921
Goddess KRING 111921
improvisational monologue on working with a student today doing "role play" and how much i appreciate the individuality of people, plants, animals...and how i feel different which each interaction. i learn new things daily.
support me on patreon:
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Hand Painted Hat by Shannon Kringen KringWEAR
922 so far, would love to have 1,000 subscribers or more to my youtube! (you don't need to watch my videos just subscribe ha ha)
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
KringWEAR hand painted hats and shoes by Shannon Kringen
KringWEAR hand painted hats and shoes by Shannon Kringen
Monday, November 15, 2021
Shannon Kringen Art Model Studio Tour "Example"
new video Shannon Kringen Art Model Studio Tour "Example"
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Goddess KRING free style monologue 11-14-21
Goddess KRING free style monologue 11-14-21
Thursday, November 11, 2021
What would Goddess KRING teach?
What would Goddess KRING teach?
asking myself how my videos could be useful to others in terms of "teaching" something i know. art modeling, painting onto wearable art, creative spontaneous well crafted photos in the moment? color and composition, the rules of abstract art that is well composed, how to live frugal in a city like seattle where i live that is pricey and yet i do it well. i am 53 now and have lots of wisdom- building on that. open to your suggestions. just email me with questions or comments.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
New Youtube Trailer Goddess KRING November 2021
New Youtube Trailer Goddess KRING November 2021 new ideas from me! Would love to attract 1,000 or more subscribers here so i can start earning some money with this channel i have had since 2005! as of today i have 905 subscribers. please join if you want and spread the word! thanks. Shannon Kringen Multi media artist, art model and animal care taker. improvisational creative human- my goal is to inspire others to follow their heart and their dreams and play with synchronicity waves and not dwell on the stressful things happening. not deny the dark stuff but focus on building up the good in an authentic way. thanks for being here with me.
Tuesday, November 09, 2021
hire me to take care of your pets during the holidays seattle friends
pet sitting, cats/ dogs/ any animal you want me to care for during thanksgiving or christmas holidays! you can hire me seattle friends i am open during all holidays! 5 references available upon request to verify i am good with animals! i LOVE taking care of animals.
Tuesday, November 02, 2021
hire me to pet sit in seattle
hire me to pet sit for you in seattle
I walk these two dogs 5 days a week. you can hire me to walk your dogs or take care of your cat also if you want I even walk cats! I love all kinds of animals... so tell me about your animal and how to take care of them and I will look after them. I'm open during the holidays also! I live here in Seattle- spread the word about me if you know anybody seeking a pet care person. I'm really good with animals and I have 5 references that can verify that. I have a cat that has a special diet and I feed him very carefully so I'm also good at feeding pets special diets and it careful way or giving the medications as needed
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Full length interview with Tori Amos
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
hire me to pet sit during the holidays!
I love animals so much!!! Pet sitting- There's two sites where I post free ads... my friend said I should probably do it every single day for pet sitting during the holidays... I want everyone near Seattle to know that I'm available to take care of cats and dogs and really any pets if you teach me how to do it during the holidays... I have zero family plans during any of the holidays Thanksgiving Christmas and New years... I have no plans at all... so I'm totally available to take care of pets or house sit for somebody that's going on a trip and wants their house to be safe and secure... I have six references from people that I've worked with before and they can verify that I'm a good trustworthy person just ask...
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
my birthday sandwich! tom petty movie tomorrow then new tori amos CD being mailed to me shortly after my birthday- 10/20, 10/25, 10/29 MAGIC NUMBERS. #tompetty #toriamos #goddesskring
Sunday, October 17, 2021
recent thoughts
just added 29 new photos to my members only site! video coming tomorrow
Just did a fun photo shoot.... modeled for myself basically for one of my members only websites total freedom to express myself!
Also what you believe about what is true and what is false affects the results of what happens to some extent reality is a bit flexible and it's not set in stone this could be good and bad there's the placebo effect and the nocebo effect.
Keep sharing don't expect anyone to validate you just know that you are valid yourself
Extreme dogma in science is not legitimate or ethical science. especially when there's a profit motive and money involved... and large corporations sponsoring certain ideas and agendas. A lot of what they call science now is simply marketing of ideas doesn't mean it's true or false it means that it's marketing ideas
I need to stop expecting anyone to validate me and I need to stop expecting to get permission to be who I am. I have to just be myself even if that means mostly leading a very solitary life
Okay so now back to constructive action in creating content for my members only websites
And now we get manipulated by fake whistleblowers so that the people in charge of what's allowed in the media and social websites can trick us into more censorship for our own safety and our own good! Good marketing strategy very effective very manipulative and very persuasive and effective. Most people don't see beyond that
And it's now virtuous to censor yourself and not question authority! that's not a virtue.... not a virtue... not a virtue and not a sign of intelligence either. To be encouraged to have no critical thought is really really not wise. We are going backwards as human beings on this planet
I recently rewatched the movie Erin Brockovich about how large corporations lie to the public about the safety of what they do.... Because of their ego they don't like to admit they're wrong and they just want money and power and that's all they really care about and people love to just deny the reality of the harm they do in the name of making money.... I like watching that movie because it gives me the illusion that things can get better and more ethical but the reality of the current life on earth now is we're going backwards and corporations are continuing to do hideous things that harm people and they lie about it and I'm witnessing it and I'm supposed to go along with it and pretend like it's good for my health no thanks!
People apparently just want to conform because they want things to get back to normal not realizing there is no normal that we're going back to
Friday, September 24, 2021
GoddessKRING 09 23 21 beyond duality thinking
GoddessKRING 09 23 21 beyond duality thinking my intuitive ideas on 'reality' and life on earth as a human being
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Sunday, September 19, 2021
animal care taker
seattle area dog walker, cat walker, pet sitter, house sitter! reliable and kind. i love animals. references available just ask! open to caring for other kinds of pets too just teach me how- i learn very fast. i am very good with all kinds of animals. birds/snakes/ferrets/bunnies etc. Thanks
Thursday, September 09, 2021
Wednesday, September 08, 2021
comedy show!
got a ticket to a comedy show! going solo! yeah. easier to go alone- complicated to coordinate with someone else plus this comedian is "controversial" and i love their humour and want to fully enjoy without some other person's opinion distracting me!
underwater selfies
Monday, September 06, 2021
Creative Photographer and Nature Lover me
Creative Photographer and Nature Lover Shannon Nicole Kringen
need a photo for your blog or website or screen saver? use mine for free just give me photo credit and spread the word about my photos! and you can hire me to take photos or donate to me or join my patreon for as little as $1.00 per month just ask. thanks.
Friday, September 03, 2021
new Goddess KRING recording!
Just reading a friend's post about the synchronicity that he had happened to him involving his car breaking down and his family needing help and then things miraculously working out after some complicated irritating hardness and then people coming together and helping each other in an amazing way I'm also noting that in my own life some doors are shutting and some other doors are opening and some of the opportunities I've had in my career that has shifted recently has been pretty amazing synchronicity of my love for animals and my art modeling and my volunteering work all intersecting and kind of an amazing way and other things that I don't even want to talk about but things are simultaneously actually quite painful and sad and then also quite wonderful and I can feel this loving energy and the goodness of being alive even though I also feel this dark creepy Sinister energy I also feel this wonderful loving helpful energy that is very life-affirming so again doors are shutting but then new doors are opening!!!!
current ideas from a free thinker named shannon nicole kringen
current ideas from a free thinker named shannon nicole kringen
Took gorgeous morning walk. So thankful for the sunshine and smell of plants and beautiful nature that I am deeply connected to. Determined to focus on this life affirming energy while noticing the darkness. I'm consciously choosing to build up what I want more of being present with all that is here now. Letting go of fear and anger and using it as fertilizer
Grateful my mom put me an alternative school where they actually encouraged us to learn Hands-On in the real world and they encouraged our creativity and individuality and gave us the power to create what we wanted instead of just indoctrinating us with dogma
just to vent more truth out: both my mom and dad did some AMAZING THINGS for me as a kid and some bad things BOTH it was complicated. both my mom and dad are highly sensitive insightful intuitive intelligent human beings just like me. i was raised in some very good ways and some bad ways BOTH. NOT just one way or the other. both parents are great humans and they made mistakes in how they raised me both very strongly. in some ways they did amazing with me and i am very lucky on those levels and i can learn from my wounds BOTH. the glass is both 1/2 empty AND 1/2 full! ha ha
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Saturday, August 28, 2021
animals i care for
Friday, August 06, 2021
beautiful painting of me by Amy Scherer.
beautiful painting of me by Amy Scherer.
Art Model Shannon Kringen
Thursday, August 05, 2021
fun videos by me
upupup inc. georgetown seattle equinox studio show 07-31-21
upupup calicope farm 08-01-21
more info on up up up inc.
more of my art
Life of shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen
Sunday, August 01, 2021
short clip of UP UP UP inc. Seattle Georgetown show 07-31-21
Up up up incorporated circus crane show is playing August 1st in
Olympia Washington they are really really talented like... it's a free
donations accepted show but it's like seeing a $30 show.... it's really
high quality professional... really funny! really their athletically
very gifted acrobatic performers... they're very funny... they play live
music... it's really really a solidly well done show truly! If you
like acrobatic performance and you like fun old-timey tuba horns piano
drums funky music and slapstick comedy you will love it. There's a
cast of seven and they all have really good comedic timing and they're
all really good performers and really nice people. A true blessing to
humanity... Their mission is to spread around positive energy and joy
and fun creative positive life-affirming energy
i am editing videos and photos now i took of UP UP UP inc show last night!
will share photos here:
and video here:
Friday, July 30, 2021
up up up inc everett, wa 07-23-21 a real treat! Here is up up up Inc on July 23rd in Everett Washington....I'm excited to film them again Saturday July 31st in Seattle at equinox studios 7pm. "UP UP UP Inc." #upupupinc #upupupinctour2021cast
current thoughts
enjoying the self censorship training? ha ha not me but finding creative ways to stay authentic
Grazing animals fertilize the earth when they're rotated through crops or land areas in the proper way... By not overgrazing them and not undergrazing them rotating them Allan Savory talks about this and there's a huge farm that does this in Georgia called White Oak pastures I really admire these people.
Allan Savory Presenting at Harvard Law School
a video of a talk that he did in comments....Just rediscovered a guy named Allan Savory he's from Zimbabwe and he has a whole philosophy about how we can regreenify the Earth and slow down the desertification of the Earth and it's through using livestock to fertilize the Earth and we greenify it he's an ecologist and a livestock farmer and more and I agree with his ideas instead of thinking everyone should stop eating animals you should use plants and animals in a different way the way nature works best which is to regenerate the soil through regenerative agriculture etc it's very multifaceted and it makes a lot of sense to me and it's completely different than how we do both plant and animal agriculture right now with mono crops and hideous chemicals etc this is going back to Nature and back to working with nature in the way that it naturally works its best which is manure plants animals the whole ecosystem rotating the crops the diversity the micro organisms etc he's done countless lectures online on video I'm listening to one right now
A word is dead when it is said some say,. I say it just begins to live that day.... Emily Dickinson
I used to watch The Carol Burnett show growing up a very funny comedy show for those of you who don't know and one of the acrobats that performs with the up up up incorporated circus crane show is so funny.... Her facial expressions are really exaggerated and over the top slapstick comedy humor mixed with fun funky live music that they sing and perform mixed with their really really high quality skills as acrobats they are really talented! Just some other humor is really goofy slapstick humor and their facial expressions are really dramatic and one acrobatic performer in particular reminds me of Carol Burnett she's very funny she is amazing comedic timing or whatever you call it.... And again they perform this Saturday July 31st 7pm in Seattle at the equinox studios in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle that's sort of the industrial part of town near 4th Avenue South. All of the performers male and female are quite talented there was just one in particular and I don't know her name but she reminded me of Carol Burnett in terms of her comedic timing and her facial expressions and she's also a very good acrobat spinning and doing beautiful graceful routines hanging from the crane it's pretty great and a bunch of the performers are great they're all great really there's men and women and they're all a little bit different and funny and seriously good athletic acrobatic artistic performers the show is really multifaceted. The show is free and then you donate what you want at the end
here's one of the few photos I took with my phone I have some better pictures I took with my other camera.... I just haven't had the energy to upload them yet but this Saturday I'm planned to do better photos and videos of these performers and share they are really really talented performers and their show is very funny and uplifting and cheerful! this Saturday night July 31st at 7:00 p.m. in Seattle's Georgetown equinox studios- I highly recommend this to my Seattle art loving friends: the up up up show is amazing! I saw it a few days ago in Everett with Jason Webley opening for them... it's great. I plan to be there I might make some videos of it!
<img src="" alt="" title="">
up up up inc! they are great! i am going to see them live again tomorrow night in seattle.
updating my sites too:
Friday, July 23, 2021
draw me today!
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated...
one of my wounds from childhood is feeling ashamed i was even born. thats pretty awful and it's reared its head again recently. just did this video monologue about it which helped me feel better and more "valid" in my own skin. Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated feelings by Goddess KRING
Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated feelings by Goddess KRING
one of my wounds from childhood is feeling ashamed i was even born. thats pretty awful and it's reared its head again recently. just did a video monologue about it which helped me feel better and more "valid" in my own skin
childhood neglect is invisible but it's still having an effect on me. wish i had a higher self esteem and it's not helpful when others accuse me of being too 'into myself' i feel like i ABANDON myself and this triggers anger. but mainly it's ME that is mean to me! and thinks it's "selfish" to do self care etc. and put me first.
video monologue uploading here:
Childhood neglect memories triggered by fun aRt group event! complicated feelings by Goddess KRING
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Draw Art Model Shannon Kringen Friday July 23rd 2021
Draw me "Art Model Shannon Kringen" online Friday July 23rd 11am-2pm PST (1-4pm Central time, 2-5pm Eastern time)
in a private zoom session. sliding scale fee. share your email with me in comments and i can send you an invite and more details.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Art Model Shannon Nicole Kringen as "Helga"
Art Model Shannon Nicole Kringen as "Helga"
self portrait from 2017...i was playing "Helga" for a modeling gig! Seattle Art Museum. Andrew Wyeth exhibit for Gage Academy of Fine Art who was working with the SAM in Seattle...tomorrow i will be modeling online for a group 11am 2pm pst and braiding my hair and mimicking a Helga poses etc. if you want to draw me online let me know i can send an invite thanks.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
updated my #anchor #podcast Life of Shannon Kringen
I finally recorded something again! it's been a few months since I
recorded anything! In this monologue I talk about my technique of
decorating my art car opal moonstone! As a designer I'm very
improvisational and intuitive and I'm influenced by lots of different
cultures and art but I mostly just follow my own instincts
updated my #anchor #podcast Life of Shannon Kringen
Opal Moonstone aRt car by Shannon Kringen
come see my aRt car i call "Opal Moonstone" this weekend: ART CARnival SATURDAY, JULY 17, 2021 AT 11 AM–5 PM. Free Event · 640 Auto Blvd, Burlington, WA 98233-3700, United States
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Opal Moonstone aRt car by me- so far, a long process!
Opal Moonstone aRt car by me- so far, a long process!
Friday, July 09, 2021
i am part of an aRt car show again! ART CARnival SATURDAY, JULY 17
i am part of an aRt car show again! ART CARnival SATURDAY, JULY 17, 2021 AT 11 AM–5 PM. Free Event · 640 Auto Blvd, Burlington, WA 98233-3700, United States. come see my "opal moonstone" aRt car and all the other cool cars that will be there on display! take photos etc
see more of my aRt car here:
Thursday, July 08, 2021
solitude appreciated
Wondering if I’m just one of those people that needs a lot of solitude and just prefer Solitude or can I learn how to be with other people and feel more spacious with that other person like the boundaries are strong and I’m intact within myself because what I tend to feel like is a chameleon that is supposed to adapt to whoever the person I’m with is and I find this draining and I don’t know if that’s the other person’s that I hang out with that want me to do that or am I just choosing to be this way because I think I have to? Like I want to take responsibility for myself care and have healthy boundaries with my friends but I know that it’s not always just me sometimes at the other person has boundary issues so it can’t always just be me so I want to figure out what’s healthy and then do more of that
create freely with an open mind if you want.
create freely with an open mind if you want.
Someone else's post triggered me into saying this.. it seems like there's all kinds of weird automated things happening now and we're all being treated like children that need to be told and what opinions to have and what to do and believe .... it's just creepy! even when you're trying to leave somebody a comment and websites suggest comments that you can click on and it automatically types them for you... sort of discouraging people from using their own creativity and choosing their own words. it's getting kind of weird..... Free speech, creativity and imagination are not being encouraged. Apparently we're all supposed to act like robots and do as we are told! to the point where I feel like going around saying to people " I am a robot I do as I am told I am a robot I do as I am told!!!!". Sending good wishes to you and anyone reading this....
Making chili in my crock pot with 3 kinds of organic beans, onion, garlic, roasted and tomato paste, red peppers and grass-fed and finished ground beef....amazing how easy it is to make
some of my links- artist and art model shannon kringen.
free range human being:
Sunday, July 04, 2021
self portrait art photos of shannon kringen available to work from
self portrait art photos of shannon kringen available to paint and draw from.
Very grateful and happy to share that a serious painter I've modeled for paid me for use of this image for a portrait class she is teaching. What a validating compliment she found this image powerful. I posted on mother's Day with a short essay on Instagram ....she found it there .... on my grief on this day. It did not occur to me that this image would be useful for a portrait class! I'm so pleasantly surprised. Reminds me to keep expressing and valuing my contribution....
the little essay i wrote with this photo on mothers day that a painter appreciated and wanted to buy rights to use for a portrait class. this is SO VALIDATING! thank you to everyone who appreciates my expression- this encourages me to keep healing and helps me feel "connected" and part of community.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms. I almost became a mom but changed my mind in my twenties and now I'm 52 and I wonder what if but I'll never know so I have to just accept the choices I made that brought me to where I am now. And I've always mostly preferred Solitude anyway so now I guess I get my wish. I'm an only child of divorced parents and I never had kids. But I guess I'm a mom to my cat and my house plants and I'm trying to be a mom to myself. And I always tried to be a mom to my mom because she really didn't have much of a mom.
my self portraits available to draw and paint from, just donate to me. message me to arrange. thanks.
many more to choose from here:
"strong selfies"
and here "exploring narcissism"
to arrange a donation to me for use of my images in your art:
Friday, July 02, 2021
my own intuitive observation: on the voyagers movie clip
my own intuitive observation: on the voyagers movie clip
my own intuitive observation: on the voyagers movie clip i just saw....seems to me humans are already losing their emotional connections and going the way of chemical bio tech and artificial intelligence and bio hacking human cells etc. creepy stuff really. going away from nature trying to control nature...thinking we need to find a new planet instead of actually regenerating the soil and eco system on this one is creepy to me. or thinking we need "chemicals" and to do frankenstein experiments with nature INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY WORKING WITH NATURE is so messed up. humans do amazing things with "tech" but also do awful things. BOTH. i am more trusting of actual nature and biodiversity. to "out smart" nature and "control it" is not a good idea. but the wealthiest most powerful humans seem to want to go this way- this ties in with athiesm verses belief in "god" . personally I AM NOT RELIGIOUS BUT I AM ALSO NOT AN ATHIEST. TO ME NATURE IS THE CREATIVE FORCE THAT MAKES THIS UNIVERSE and humans are part of that. i think it's very cartoon like to think you are either "religious" and believe or "superstition" or you are athiest and believe we can control nature and dominate it- and act as if science is LINEAR and computer generated math models of "reality" predict EXACT SCIENCE they are predictions not cut and dry answers that are solid. i think albert einstein talked about the order AND chaos and how both are true not just one or the other. there is mystery even in science. it's not black and white. listen to quantum physics ideas. "Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at its most fundamental level. A central tenet of quantum physics is that energy comes in indivisible packets called quanta. Quanta behave very differently to macroscopic matter: particles can behave like waves, and waves behave as though they are particles" not sure how to fully explain my point but i am very intuitive and on a certain wave length that sees through the bullshit....and we humans are very powerful at "creating" different realities and working with BOTH order and CHAOS.
Thursday, July 01, 2021
Draw me Friday July 2, 2021
if you'd like to draw me Friday July 2, 2021 1pm - 4pm (CDT), 11-2pm (PST) 2-5pm Eastern time let me know! i am art modeling on zoom at that time tomorrow for a private group. message me for invite. thanks
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Hottest Day ever in Seattle! 106F Goddess KRING 06-28-21
Hottest Day ever in Seattle! 106F Goddess KRING 06-28-21
always question what you are told
I love questioning and being open minded. The improv life is my style. Secret code speak is needed more and more since the popular trend now is rigid adherence to a script we are taught on many things. Sending good wishes to all whether you agree with me or not. Life on Earth is pretty fascinating and changes every second of every day
Thursday, June 24, 2021
night ride! body pride ride this saturday seattle 2021
night ride! body pride ride this saturday seattle 2021
#seattlepride #Seattle bike riders! EDIT! DUE TO HEAT WAVE IN SEATTLE THIS IS NOW A NIGHT RIDE: this Saturday June 26th i think we are having a "body pride ride" and meeting in Volunteer Park at 9pm- show up painted or wearing whatever you want to wear-
bike night ride this sunday seattle
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Draw me this Friday
Draw me "Art Model Shannon Kringen" online this Friday June 18th 2021, from 11am-130pm PST. ask me for invite! this is a private zoom session. sliding scale fee message me for details. Thanks.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Monday, June 14, 2021
aRt car and rainy days!
aRt car and rainy days!
Really wanted to decorate my car today but it's too rainy so I did a little nail polish embellishment and glued on two rhinestones and then I had to stop cuz of the wetness but I know there's a few more sunny days before the aRt car show this Saturday June 19th - so I'll just do as much as I can on my car before the show and then whatever it looks like it'll just be in the show and then next year if they have it again I will have it really decorated up because this is a long process decorating my car! Saturday June 19th 2021, come see many aRt cars with mine! U-Park Lot #75, at 3501 Phinney Ave N from Noon - 5pm come see it! take photos etc. #seattleartcars #seattleartcarblowout find out more go to: fremont fair dot com
see more of my aRt car here:
Friday, June 11, 2021
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Monday, June 07, 2021
aRt car yes
Design idea for my rhinestone car- I think I will put a giant rhinestone in the center of the top of my car and then do like a swirling spiral pattern coming out from the center with different colors in a special way
one lady at the car dealership where they installed my license plate today loves my car and wants to see the aRt cars with mine in fremont June 19th! so i told her all about it! she had no idea there was such an event! yeah for spreading around inspiration! seattle friends: looks like saturday june 19th my car will be on display with all the other aRt cars U-Park Lot #75, at 3501 Phinney Ave N from Noon - 4pm come see it! take photos etc. #seattleartcars #seattleartcarblowout find out more go to: fremont fair dot com
more of my aRt car here:
Sunday, June 06, 2021
fun seattle aRt event june 19th and 20th 2021
seattle friends: looks like saturday june 19th my car will be on display with all the other aRt cars U-Park Lot #75, at 3501 Phinney Ave N from Noon - 4pm come see it! take photos etc. #seattleartcars #seattleartcarblowout and then on sunday june 20th i will be parked somewhere in fremont "on display" intentionally for the public to see my car- during the fremont sunday market which is all day from 10am-4pm. will let you know the location if you wanna see my car and take photos etc!
Friday, June 04, 2021
aRt car by Goddess KRING 060421
my aRt car will be on display in Seattle with all the other unique aRt cars Saturday June 19th 2021, U-Park Lot #75, at 3501 Phinney Ave N from Noon - 5pm come see it! take photos etc. #seattleartcars #seattleartcarblowout
aRt car by Goddess KRING 060421
Tuesday, June 01, 2021
black flowers!
black flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have you seen a black petunia flower before? this is so cool! on the black petunia flowers: "Black flowers are actually deep shades of red or purple, in the case of the Black Velvet petunia. Dark hues are created by crossing varieties with high levels of anthocyanins-the pigments that reveal as red, purple, and blue. Flower breeder Jianping Ren spent four years developing the black petunia."
more of my photos here:
Sunday, May 30, 2021
i am inspired by survivors of things in history where freedoms were taken away
I want liberation for people policing each other and virtue signaling
and cancel culturing each other. there are people who shame each other
for living a certain way... I'm not turning a blind eye to all the BS
happening in the world by trying to focus on love and creativity and
freedom and improvisation. I quite honestly don't feel comfortable
trying to fight against the bad system which I will not elaborate on
because if I say what I really think I will be censored so I will just
say my thoughts are private and secret and I will focus on doing my art
and walking in the forest and taking good care of my cat and my family
and my friends. I don't have control over what large corporations do
that I don't agree with and I'm not really sure how I can fight them
anyway. I think some people are good at fighting against corruption
and some people when they fight they only intensify the drama of us
verses them. . and it gets worse... so when I live my life the way I
live my life it doesn't mean that I don't care about all the bad things
happening in the world. I just don't feel like there's anything I can
directly do to solve it so I focus on what I can do to make the world a
better place in my own local community and with my family and my friends
and with my relationship to myself. some people think it's selfish to
take good care of yourself but the world is not served by me suffering
and having a bad relationship with myself. So other people should do
whatever works for them but this is what works for me.
two of my favorite artists: Yayoi Kusama from Japan and Hundertwasser from Austria
thank you Vera Sharav warning us of the patterns of history that do repeat.
am inspired by survivors of things in history where freedoms were taken
away. no matter what the external atmosphere is we can use our minds
and imagination to survive as much as possible when we have no control
over the powers that be bossing us around etc. find joy in beauty
anywhere you can and build on that despite whatever awful things are
happening. try and fix the issues if you can, and if not, let go and
find beauty anywhere you can.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
songs that comfort me now by lou reed and tori amos
songs that comfort me now by lou reed and tori amos
Strawman by Lou Reed: Lyrics
We who have so much to you who have so little
to you who don't have anything at all
We who have so much more than any one man does need
and you who don't have anything at all, ah
Does anybody need another million dollar movie
does anybody need another million dollar star
Does anybody need to be told over and over
spitting in the wind comes back at you twice as hard
Strawman, going straight to the devil
Strawman, going straight to hell
Strawman, going straight to the devil
Strawman, yes
Does anyone really need a billion dollar rocket
does anyone need a 60, 000 dollars car
Does anyone need another president
or the sins of Swaggart parts 6, 7, 8 and 9, ah
Does anyone need yet another politician
caught with his pants down and money sticking in his hole
Does anyone need another racist preacher
spittin' in the wind can only do you harm, ooohhh
Strawman, going straight to the devil
Strawman, going straight to hell
Strawman, going straight to the devil
Does anyone need another faulty shuttle
blasting off to the moon, Venus or Mars
Does anybody need another self-righteous rock singer
whose nose he says has led him straight to God
Does anyone need yet another blank skyscraper
if you're like me I'm sure a minor miracle will do
A flaming sword or maybe a gold ark floating up the Hudson
when you spit in the wind it comes right back at you
Strawman, going straight to the devil
Strawman, going straight to hell
Strawman, going to the devil
Strawman, strawman
Strawman, ...., ah
next time someone asks me if i got "it" i am gonna ask them if they can tell me their sexual history in detail and any STD they have had and show me a stool sample, vitamin D level and blood sample. BACK OFF INVADERS
Censorship gaslighting shaming and virtue signaling is disgusting and I will never cheer that on ever
Thankful I have a few friends that I can have private secret conversations with and say what I really think about everything and they can say what they really think about everything!
Can I just say how uncomfortable it is to censor myself all the time oh my God this is hard!!!!
Let go of the past every single day. have compassion love empathy and forgiveness for yourself and others... that's my advice from me to me today. if anyone's reading this- do whatever your heart tells you to do. It's honestly none of my business what you do and it's none of your business what I do! have a nice day
Had lunch with my mom it was nice to see her whole face again and breathe oxygen with her. Trying to focus on the positive aspects of our conversation and trying to let go of the things that make me sad and scared in terms of disagreeing with my family members on certain things. Trying to focus on agreeing to disagree and having love and empathy and compassion for each other. Trying to respect our body sovereignty rights
The Power of Orange Knickers by Tori Amos comforts me today: The power of orange knickers
The power of orange knickers
The power of orange knickers
Under my petticoat
The power of listening to what
You don't want me to know
Can somebody tell me now
Who is this terrorist?
Those girls that smile kindly
Then rip your life to pieces
Can somebody tell me now
Am I alone with this?
This little pill in my hand
And with this secret kiss, kiss
Am I alone in this?
A matter of complication
When you become a twist
For their latest drink
As they're transitioning
Can somebody tell me now
Who is this terrorist?
This little pill in my hand
That keeps the pain living
Can somebody tell me now
A way out of this?
That sacred pipe of red stone
Could blow me out of this kiss, kiss
Am I alone in this?
The power of orange knickers
Under my petticoat
The power of listening to what
You don't want me to know
Shame, shame, time to leave me now
Shame, shame, you've had your fun
Shame, shame, for letting me think
That I would be the one
Can somebody tell me now
Who is this terrorist?
This little pill in my hand
Or this secret kiss, kiss
Am I alone in this?
Kiss, kiss
Am I alone in this?
Kiss, kiss
Monday, May 24, 2021
draw me online or from videos i make
just got hired to make a one hour video of me art model posing for one school in form fitting clothing so also adding it to my patreon for people to draw or paint from. ask if you are interested in drawing me from a video thanks. new video Art Model Shannon Kringen 05 24 21- poses. 4 five minute poses, 2 ten minute poses, 1 twenty minute poses for artists to draw and paint from. thanks.
Monday, May 17, 2021
follow your heart.
follow your heart. keep doing what you love. that is my advice to myself- love hearing the birds out my window and smelling the plants. love art music nature etc. time outside in the forest. connected to the natural world- the ecosystem.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Creative Photographer and Nature Lover
Creative Photographer and Nature Lover.
Monday, May 10, 2021
aRt car by Goddess KRING
My inspiration for my aRt car design seems to be those rhinestone cowboy outfits like the dark suits that the singers used to wear with the sparkles embellished on the borders? Like I think I'm just going to decorate my car like outline it... not cover the entire car in sparkle and then I'm going to take some more black Sharpie markers and do swirly spiral shapes on some of the black paint parts...less is more.... And I also embellish it with glittery opalescent nail polish just on little areas here and there like hard plastic hood part and windshield wipers ...that look good
aRt car by Goddess KRING
Why Tom Petty and Tori Amos are my Favorite Songwriters
The Archetypal Symbols I see in Tom Petty & Tori Amos by Goddess Kring. Why Tom Petty and Tori Amos are my Favorite Songwriters
Saturday, May 08, 2021
zinc and Quercetin
zinc and Quercetin
increasing my zinc and Quercetin consumption. Meat is an excellent source of zinc.
meat is a particularly great source, but ample amounts can be found in
all different kinds of meat, including beef, lamb and pork. Quercetin
is contained in abundance in apples, honey, raspberries, onions, red
grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables. Among
vegetables and fruits, quercetin content is highest in onions. The bulb
color and type seems to be a determining factor for quercetin
concentration in onions
Friday, May 07, 2021
brainwashing and denial is alive and well in 2021
brainwashing and denial is alive and well in 2021. anyone who questions the mainstream is shamed. i don't fall for this tactic of shutting off my common sense. good luck all.
Was it Mark Twain that said "it's easier to fool people than to convince people that they've been fooled?"
Thursday, May 06, 2021
biodiversity and regenerative agriculture
respect for nature instead of trying to control and conquer it. things i admire and believe in: biodiversity and regenerative agriculture. you get "social credit" points for obeying orders. it's creepy creepy stuff. i don't do things unless i believe in them. no thanks on some of the 'orders' being given right now.
Wednesday, May 05, 2021
Draw me online today!
Draw me online: Wednesday, May 5th.
6:15 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time
3:15 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time
message me for private invite.
This is a session for the:
Web registration page:
Facebook event:
Monday, May 03, 2021
thank you truth seeking journalists who have the guts to speak up
thank you truth seeking journalists who have the guts to speak up
up! just listened to a podcast of 2 brave journalists speaking up
about the some dishonesty happening in the world. These days anybody
who has the audacity to question the conventional narrative is basically
attacked, ostracized and made fun of...belittled and gaslighted and
abused and I think it's important to continue speaking out. if anybody
reading this wants a link to the video podcast that I just watched let
me know. I'm not going to post it here because some social media sites
heavily "shames" that kind of information... Just send me your email in
a private message and I will send it to you that way. Good luck
everyone and stay true to yourself. Don't be afraid to use your own
wisdom and brain. Don't allow yourself to be peer pressured into things
you don't believe in.
The most amazing thing about the two
journalists that I just listened to who are on the same page basically=
one of them is a female feminist journalist and one is a more pragmatic
conservative male journalist and yet they both agree on many things
happening in the world and what is ethical and what is not ethical.
one is from England and one was from the United states... so it was
interesting to see their ideas overlap. They Are now allies and yet
before they had more opposing views. The world is changing rapidly.
beyond duality.
Sunday, May 02, 2021
Draw me Wednesday May 5th 2021
Draw me online: Wednesday, May 5th.
6:15 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time
3:15 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time
This is a session for the:
Web registration page:
Facebook event:
Friday, April 30, 2021
overall health and the whole "reset"
overall health and the whole "reset"
some very wealthy humans think they can outsmart and control nature. i think they are WRONG. the wisdom in nature cannot be outsmarted.
i see the world in a Wholistic way. food, medicine, economy, personal expression, inner outer life etc. it's all connected and not separate. just like your whole body is one whole system that works together. each part effects the other. i see things getting separated now in a way that does not promote "health" of body and mind and heart and soul. this aint some hippy idea this is a solid concept and the smartest people in the world understand what i mean even if my way of stating this is primimtive sounding. it's wisdom. i agree with vandana shiva from india look her up.
Vandana Shiva (born 5 November 1952) is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, ecofeminist and anti-globalization author. Based in Delhi, Shiva has written more than 20 books. She is often referred as "Gandhi of grain" for her activism associated with anti-GMO movement
the real ecosystem is what i want entact. not genetically modified synthetic ways of 'creating life' REGENERATE THE SOIL NOT MANIPULATE THE SOIL WITH SYNTHETIC PRODUCTS. this is happening in medicine, the economy and the food system right now. a transformation that is getting creepy
Funny again that mostly we agree that stereotyping people is bad but there's a certain group of people that people seem to think it's cool and hip to stereotype in a derogatory belittling way.... it's disgusting and abusive and it's basically gaslighting... I'm so angry I probably shouldn't even post this here so I might delete this soon
So much manipulative language all over the internet regarding a certain topic!!!! I might erase this post it's disgusting to me the repetitive manipulative language I'm seeing over and over and over trying to bombard a certain idea into my head that I think is bull effing manure !!! thanks social media medical marketing medical military medical Mafia medical Mafia medical Mafia medical military medical military medical military medical Mafia I guess I should be writing a poem about all of this!!! Would you like a side of Roundup with that?????
my interest is in real health not chemically altered and manipulated 'products' in medicine and food. i want to stay a human being close to the whole ecosystem barefoot on this earth.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
draw me: art model shannon nicole kringen this friday april 30th 2021- 11am to 2pm pst.
draw me: art model shannon nicole kringen this friday april 30th 2021- 11am to 2pm pst.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Free Range Goddess KRING radio 04-15-21 family dynamics/boundary loops
Free Range Goddess KRING radio 04-15-21 family dynamics/boundary loops
about my childhood that was unusual and reflections on my tv show
"Goddess KRING" i created for 15 years on seattle public access tv. some
of my music towards the end.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Thursday, April 08, 2021
i just recorded this: Fresh wild human Shannon Nicole Kringen
i just recorded this: Fresh wild human Shannon Nicole Kringen
listen free and enjoy 165 hours of Goddess KRING recordings here:
my dad is in town visiting me so i may take a break from recording this week. but there are 165 shows i have created on my #Mixcloud
other music of mine:
Tuesday, April 06, 2021
on "scagegoating" others and thinkg you are "the good ones"
on "scagegoating" others and thinkg you are "the good ones"
on someone freaking out about Jane Fonda in the Vietnam days visiting
the supposed enemy- you should hear Jane Fonda talk about it. she is a
very smart person who cares about humanity and has a lot of love and
compassion and empathy. to demonize people is not good. the Vietnam war
was a hideous tragedy. she was trying to shine light on the reality of
demonizing people and how wrong that is. you should listen to what Jane
Fonda says. she once met with USA veterans and they all huddled in a
circle and cried about Vietnam and they all shared what they thought
because these Vietnam veterans were mad at Jane Fonda and she told them
why she did what she did and then they forgave her and they all had
empathy and compassion for each other.... you should listen to Jane talk
about this. I think she mentions this story in her memoir... she is a
good person trying to help the world. she's not a jerk like you think. I
feel like you're misunderstanding her completely! also people who
harshly judge her are using her as a scapegoat and they're not willing
to look at the hypocrisy in the world- everyone has a shadow! In fact
Vietnam was a very long time ago but Jane Fonda's ideas on seeing the
humanity in different groups of people is a helpful thing to learn and
have perspective on what it's like to be a different kind of person from
you right now people are stereotyping and demonizing each other and
it's causing a lot of fear and conflict and anger and problems and the
answer is not to keep demonizing us versus them if somebody is arrogant
and thinks they're always the good guy that can be very dangerous as
we've seen throughout history and right now things are happening in the
world that I think are repeat of this pattern of the arrogance of
thinking that one group of people are the right people and everyone else
is wrong that is very dangerous and actually brings war and conflict
and harm to humanity. so we can reflect on this and learn from it even
now in the year 2021.
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- ► 06/30 - 07/07 (5)
- ► 06/23 - 06/30 (8)
- ► 06/16 - 06/23 (2)
- ► 03/31 - 04/07 (8)
- ► 03/20 - 03/27 (1)
- ► 01/03 - 01/10 (1)
- ► 12/20 - 12/27 (1)
- ► 08/16 - 08/23 (1)
- ► 01/12 - 01/19 (1)
About Me

- GoddessKRING
- seattle, Washington, United States
- multi media aRtist and fine art model.