Friday, December 30, 2022
hand paintes shoes by Goddess KRING
Got these taupe suede boots for myself that I'm going to paint similar to the designs I did on the other shoes in this photograph. If you want me to paint your shoes let me know... you can commission me to do so! Hand painted KringWEAR shoes! I also paint on the hats and backpacks and really anything made of fabric I can paint onto! #goddesskring #handpainted
Saturday, December 24, 2022
ice storm art car Seattle!
Here's my art car encased in ice! I have never experienced what they call an ice storm before but I think that's kind of what this is. You can hear the crackling in the trees of the branches of the ice and it's kind of like freezing rain that falls down and everything is super shiny and slick. Even the rocks on the ground which you can normally grip on are just like as slippery as butter basically! #goddesskring
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Friday, November 18, 2022
jeff beck by shannon kringen
the photo i took of jeff beck in 2016 was published here recently:
Tuesday, November 08, 2022
Goddess KRING art car in a Cut video
My art car "opal moonstone" was filmed for a cut video!!!! It will be on their YouTube channel sometime soon! they have 11 million subscribers....very excited! Fun to be part of this!!!! i put a short clip of my point of view on my youtube channel while they filmed me for their channel for a "match the car with the person" that i participated in recently with 5 other that had "normal" cars.
Cut Video:
Shannon Kringen youtube:
see photos of my art car here:
Monday, October 31, 2022
kringonian pizzazz
I'm going through a lot of diagnostics and assessments. happy that my health insurance covers this. seeing if I'm on the autism spectrum in a gifted artistic kind of way. fascinated by all the quizzes and tests I've taken over the last several weeks. they say in 2 weeks I will have a printed out assessment of what they think of my brain... pros and cons. when I was a kid my parents never wanted to have me tested for anything cuz I think they didn't want me labeled as anything... so at the age of 54 I decided to have this assessment done and it's been fascinating. I've been taking lots of quizzes answering 585 true and false questions solving puzzles drawing pictures responding to pictures and words telling stories,. reading stories...I also brought my artwork in to show the lady assessing me... she's training to be a clinical psychologist and her interviewing me several times have given has given her lots of data... so I find this whole process fascinating. My goal with this is to learn and grow from all of it and use the perspective that this person has on me as a way to move forward in my life as I step into the future. Seems to me I'm kind of an unusual 54-year-old... I mean everybody is unique but I like exploring my identity and figuring out who I am and what I want and the choices I've made make more and more sense the older I get I always wanted to make my art and share it with people more than I wanted to do traditional things like get married and have kids etc. And I've always wondered is it just because of the way my brain is or is it partly because of the challenges of the way that I was raised and my parents getting a divorce and various pros and cons of how I was raised challenges that I went through etc I'm just learning and growing as I go.... And most of my closest friends are rather eccentric creative trail blazing people that have their own way of doing things... The person assessing me- she's interviewed me a lot and I've shared my artwork and my video with her and then she's quizzing me and scoring me based on certain modules of assessments that give me a score but she's also basing it on her and her supervisors assessment of the answers I've given to lots of different questions and sharing about my entire life... my childhood, my personal life, my relationships, my family, my friends, my social way of interacting with people etc it's all been really fascinating. the lady assessing me says she's impressed with how self aware and sensitive and articulate i am- all good traits to have. so i cope very well overall with my challenges. my career as an art and medical model, artist and animal lover suits me very well. i enjoy lots of time solo doing my own thing and need rest and recharge time then love collaborating with like minded creative humans....people who "get me" are so precious to me. thanks everyone who "gets me" cheers! onward "kringonian pizzazz"!
Friday, October 28, 2022
Goddess KRING links
Goddess KRING podcasts on youtube:
Goddess KRING podcasts on mixcloud:
Goddess KRING podcasts on patreon (free to listen and donate $1.00 if you want)
Goddess KRING podcasts on Bandcamp:
Shannon Kringen Photos:
Shanon Kringen Music:
Shannon Kringen Spoken Word/Poetry:
Intuitive Natural Artist Shannon Nicole Kringen
Art Model Shannon Kringen
KringWEAR Hand Painted Shoes
by Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Abstract Designs:
Twitter Goddess KRING
Shannon Kringen LinkedIN
aRt, Identity and the Sacred
Shannon Kringen's 140 page book of multi media aRt.
Shannon Kringen YouTube Videos:
Shannon Kringen Vimeo Videos:
Shannon Kringen Art Facebook
Weird Washington Page on Goddess KRING Hero:
Short Doc. film On Goddess KRING
Typecast Dragon
TUmblr Shannon Kringen
Shannon Kringen Livejournal
Shannon Kringen on Wordpress
Shannon Kringen on Pinterest
Art by Shannon Kringen on Redbubble:
Artist Shannon Kringen on Fine Art America
Shannon Kringen
PO BOX 20355
Seattle, Wa 98102
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
happy birthday to Goddess KRING
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Happy Tom Petty day!
Happy Tom Petty day! (He was born October 20th 1950) In 1979 I was 11 years old and I was in a pizza parlor with my mom and my female friend who is my age and I heard this whaling guitar and organ and beautiful voice and I ran over to the jukebox saying out loud "oh my God What is this song???" and I found out it was Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers "Refugee". My female friend said my brother has this record. Haven't you heard it? You can probably borrow it!? I ended up borrowing the record and for a while I just listened to refugee over and over and over and over and over and over and over to the point where my mom said stop playing that song and listen to the whole record!!! So I did. I listened to the whole record and I liked every single song on the record... And quite honestly, his music helped me deal with all of my childhood challenges, missing California and feeling like a refugee when my mom took me away from my dad and grandparents in San Diego and we moved to whidbey island... Little did I know that band would continue to make amazing music for decades And that to this day I find comfort in so many of his songs or their songs I should say.... Music is so powerful and I love it so much and I'm happy that I'm starting to make some of my own music again! Even though I'm mostly a visual artist, I've always wanted to create music and I've always been really sensitive to sound... And I love rhyming words and listen to lyrics so carefully and I love the poetic sound of words. I'm always wanting to write and create with words. It's really fun and to turn that into melody and music and rhythm is fascinating and I see all kinds of shapes and colors with sound! And my new music friend that I'm working with has similar mind. It's fascinating to create with someone that I feel a kinship with on so many levels! So thank you to Tom Petty for following his dream and inspiring so many other people! The artists that I admire.... it's not because they're rich and famous. It's because of the passion for their actual music or art. That's the real power... is the actual art and music and love for what they're doing! #tompetty #tompettyandtheheartbreakers #tompettyforever #goddesskring
Thursday, October 06, 2022
new song by Goddess KRING and Supaflower "Banana Split"
Sunday, October 02, 2022
new kring poem
Here's the poem that I wrote today- underground lit up tunnel velvet corduroy-minded lined in divine purple rated rhinestone bloom-improve the mood dude- interlude solituded- rooted inside wider than before- in store adoring more. Uproar for sparked creation- Batcave all the rave- Brave minds think alike- seized by synesthesia not amnesia- seed ya- seed ya- sea ya,. Opal essence scented Moon- lines tied unwind refined- beyond Oompa Loompa boopity do- grand piano synthesizer- at her wit's end- tending souls light- invite ignite entice- new lines- flower Style flow- braided kring glow- knowing. Synchronistically synergy- biggest cactus bloom you've ever seen- indeed deeds spiral staircase spins wind- towards vortex Frontier- no longer deer in headlights- spotlight gems take flight- spreading dazzle- no time zone- everyone has their own throne- we are prone to delight kissing our bliss- fizz fizz fizz- drizzled in lizard skin feeling a kinship as tasty as banana split- don't give me no lip- enjoy your trip zip zip zip.
Friday, September 30, 2022
#goddesskring excited about my creative projects!!!!
Forgot who made this from a self-portrait face paint photo that I took with my hand-painted hat on. But thank you whoever animated this.... #goddesskring anyone know how i save this animated image?
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022
Sunday, September 25, 2022
new music goddess kring
Ran into a fan of mine "Goddess KRING" in this parking lot he said he saw my car and he just had to meet me
— with Wendy Craig McCormick.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
fresh kring
Very grateful for the new connections that I'm making with people both professionally and personally
Been having interesting dreams lately... mostly involving shoes and music.. the shoe ones are too hard to explain but they involve being in a warehouse and talking to somebody about how they make shoes and then there was something about a houseboat and there was something about getting to hang out with Mike Campbell the guitar player from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and then I got to hang out with Tom Petty's youngest daughter and talk to her about the way Tom pronounced words and some of his humorous lyrics and rhymes and what was beautiful about these dreams was that I shared my own personal insights and the other characters in the dream were validating my point of view because a lot of dreams I have there's a bunch of conflict and obstacles and there's like mops and wires everywhere that I keep tripping over and like staircases and elevators where I get lost and big warehouses with sideways elevators more like escalators but the most recent dreams I've had there's been less conflict and more validation because one of my goals right now in life as a 53-year-old is to really learn to love and honour respect and value myself and make peace with myself and change my brain patterns into thoughts that are more helpful instead of reinforcing all these conflicts that I have within myself.... And I'm happy to share that i've been on a waiting list for quite a while for something and i have a meeting with somebody in a couple days where i get to answer lots of questions about how my mind works ...i don't want to say the details. Maybe I'll share after the experience....
I think certain aspects of reality are flexible and things do change in response to our attitude about things... to some extent... the laws of physics are flexible... if you ask a Quantum physicist they will tell you this... they're still trying to figure stuff out... actually and yet people want to be reassured that we know for sure what is true and what is false... but reality is more complicated than that.
Continuously adding more to my art car so here it is as of today. #goddesskring #seattleartcarblowout #rhinestones #shannonkringen #artcar
Monday, September 12, 2022
would love to paint more shoes for people! KringWEAR Hand Painted Shoes by Shannon Kringen
would love to paint more shoes for people! KringWEAR
Hand Painted Shoes
by Shannon Kringen
Thursday, September 08, 2022
Wednesday, September 07, 2022
Feed your brain carefully. Humans are easily trained and conditioned.
Feed your brain carefully. Humans are easily trained and conditioned. Feeling awake to what people conform to and seeing I need to find new options. #goddesskring #mattiasdesmet question authority from all directions beyond the duality.
Tuesday, September 06, 2022
yes i vote for free speech
i want free speech to be kept ALIVE. we need differing ideas to be allowed otherwise we have repressive fascism
the oldest trick in the book to accuse certain people of being a
certain way. When really you're the one who's that way. hypocrisy is
totally disgusting creepy, weird stuff. The abuse of power these days
is so obvious and out in the open. Yuck! Yuck, yuck. Would you like
fries with your wham bam? Thank you mam!!?
I was in a really
bummed out mood and something fun just happened... I just came back from
the clothing optional beach where I went to go relax and on the way
home I passed by the other lady that has a rhinestone car. she calls
it "Princess Sparkle Pony" she has the coolest car. her and I are the
two main rhinestone cars in the Art car community in Seattle!
really sure where I belong but I do my artwork I take care of animals I
take care of house plants maybe that's it I don't know.
Blue and red makes purple. it's all just a bunch of purple purple drama drama drama.
Petty was ahead of his time ... There goes the last DJ who plays what
he wants to play, says what he wants to say Hey hey hey there goes your
freedom of choice. There goes the last human voice ....
adjusting to not having a cat. it's so weird I keep looking for him...
I guess it'll take a while and I still feel disoriented after coming
back from being away for a week taking care of two big dogs. grateful
that tomorrow I get to start walking these two little dogs again that I
usually walk every week on certain days. the little dogs are going to
seem so tiny compared to the big dogs that I just took care of for an
entire week!
to see my life in photos and videos:
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Friday, August 26, 2022
Up Up Up inc Circus Crane Show Seattle 2022
40 minutes i filmed yesterday: Up Up Up inc Circus Crane Show Seattle 2022
why i love performers so much
I had so much fun watching the up up up circus again tonight... i am
going to eventually edit my photos and videos in make a youtube clip of
them... Their comedy makes me laugh so loud! not everybody seems to
get that kind of comedy but I totally get it and I feel a kinship with
that sort of Carol Burnett Style.... I don't know what you call that!?
extremely absurd ridiculous and yet clever and then it gives me this
feeling like I'm in kindergarten again you know like when you're a
little kid... And you still just play with people and you're not afraid
of them making fun of you or judging you I had this feeling in
kindergarten before I learned how mean other little kids were before
people taunted me and picked on me and made fun of me I just remember
going up to other little kids and going hey want to play and like just
singing and dancing and doing funny little Make-Believe games with other
kids and I miss that so maybe I can find more adult friends that I can
do that kind of thing with... so that's why I love these performers so
much they remind me to just be free and play and enjoy being alive as a
human with humor and a playfulness literally as silly as that sounds... I
think that's mainly why I love them so much...they also are just gifted
with comedic timing and acrobatic athleticness and they all play
musical instruments and they sing and they dance and they act basically
it's all of it ...singing dancing acting and acrobatics... I think that
performing artists are my favorite kind of humans... they really truly
seem magical to me. And even though I'm a bit shy I think part of me
really does like to perform and wishes I could do more of it but I don't
know and then this other part of me just wants to hide and be quiet so I
guess those two parts of my personality conflict a bit with each other
and I guess they're both the real me I think!?
Wed. Aug 10, Skokomish, WA, Private event for Skokomish Youth Program
Thu. Aug 11, Lilliwaup, WA, Hama Hama Oysters, 6pm
Fri. Aug 12, Poulsbo, WA, Bushel & Barrel Ciderhouse, 6pm
Sat. Aug 13, Quilcene, WA, Worthington Park, 7pm
Sun. Aug 14, Chimacum, WA, Finnriver Farm and Cidery, 5pm
Tue. Aug 16, Stanwood, WA, Private event for Children’s Grief Camp
Thu. Aug 18, Whidbey Island, WA, South Whidbey Community Center,
Partnership with Readiness to Learn, 6pm
Fri. Aug 19, Everett, WA, 1814 Hewitt Ave. (across from Black Lab), 6pm
Sat. Aug 20, Olympia, WA, Calliope Farm, 1335 Overhulse Rd., 6pm
Sun. Aug 21, Skokomish, WA, Privat event for Skokomish Celebration
Tue. Aug 23, Bellingham, WA, Bellingham Circus Guild Parking Lot, 6pm
Wed. Aug 24, Bellingham, WA, Bellingham Circus Guild Parking Lot, 6pm
Thu. Aug 25, Seattle, WA, UCUCC Parking Lot, 4515 16th Avenue NE, 6 pm
Fri. Aug 26, San Juan Island, WA, San Juan County Fairgrounds,
Partnership with Alchemy Art Center, 6pm
Sat. Aug 27, Conway, WA, Private event for Happy Little Farm
Sun. Aug 28, Vashon Island, WA, Open Space, 6pm
Wed. Aug 31, Portland, OR, Parking Lot at 900 Hawthorn, 6pm
Thu. Sept 1, Newberg, OR, Chehalem Cultural Center, 6pm
Fri. Sept 2, Bellingham, WA, Sh’Bang! Festival, 6pm
Sun. Sept 4, Guemes Island, WA, Guemes Island General Store
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Up Up Up Crane Truck Circus!
UP UP UP inc circus crane show i love is live in seattle tomorrow Thu. Aug 25, Seattle, WA, UCUCC Parking Lot, 4515 16th Avenue NE, 6 pm (their website in comments)
Monday, August 22, 2022
notes from the art fair "fresh paint" where my art car was on public display....
notes from the art fair "fresh paint" where my art car was on public display....
I just got some good feedback from a lady who really likes my art car... She was asking me what my goal was with my art car and what my focus is... am I like for hire to be Commissioned or what am I doing!? am I trying to sell my art am I just trying to entertain people am I trying to inspire people am I trying to spread positive energy or am I trying to get myself hired as an artist to put design on people's cars or paint their shoes or paint their hats etc I've always been a multimedia multifaceted kind of creative person thats scattered in all different directions and her and I talked a little bit about ADHD and OCD and being like kind of obsessed and scattered and creative and chaotic and how that could be a positive thing but then I can also be a negative thing if you don't know what your focus is and then people are confused and they don't understand what your point is and I guess that is some really good feedback for me although I guess it's it's obvious and I already know that but to have somebody reflect that back to me is helpful to me. I like the idea of being very self aware and trying to make the best out of my life and every day.
Maybe I'll do another video on a podcast on introvert and extrovert and ambivert personality types because I mostly an introvert I think but I kind of get energized by other people when it comes to performance whether I'm performing or I'm in the audience I feel kind of like I get energized from being like when I watched that circus show the other night I feel kind of energized by the crowd energy and the performers energy and I feel less shy when I'm around a bunch of performers almost like I want to jump on stage and perform with them even though part of me just wants to hide in the corner and take pictures so I'm some kind of combination of introvert and extrovert but I feel like what I really like to do is create things when I'm by myself and then share them with the public and then I like to go hide out again and I prefer spending time with just one friend at a time or by myself or with plants and animals and I don't really like being in big social groups much at all except it is really fun to hang out with other artists and Art car people and really creative people who love art and music and theater and dance etc all of the performing and visual arts and I love nature and quiet... And maybe I'm just wounded because I got picked on in school and my parents are both really intelligent and sensitive but they're both also very critical my parents are both very critical so I was raised with a certain kind of criticism and I feel very self-conscious and afraid of how I affect other people I worry about how I affect other people so when I'm around other people I tend to just be polite and I'm not sure how to fully be myself because I'm afraid if I myself I'll drive people nuts in fact some of my family and friends find me annoying because I do monologues I mean I literally do monologues and then other people think I'm really quiet all the time so it seems like I'm either really quiet or I do monologues but then again I do listen well and I do have good dialogue with some people... But then again I love to spend a lot of time with myself and just thinking and staring off into space and thinking and writing things down or recording my voice and my thoughts and my insights that's really what I like to do which is extremely introverted and introspective but then I have this urge to write things down and share it with whoever wants to read it so I don't know what that is that's kind of like what musicians and songwriters are like or writers or performers or actors maybe they like to explore their inner world and then express it out for whoever wants to experience it... And then learn from how people respond to me and how I respond to them and have relationships my artwork and the audience of my artwork and then my family and friends I guess I learned from different relationships but then again I feel shy and they say being introverted is different than being shy I know that I'm highly sensitive but maybe I don't need to label myself maybe I'm just a chameleon and I just change into all different kinds of personalities I really don't know maybe I don't need to figure this out I don't know...!?
Talked to a bunch of people here at the art show that my art car is in ...very nice people here... I'm really tired and look forward to going home and resting cuz I'm going to come back here all day tomorrow... so I'm not really an extrovert but I love sharing my art with people and talking to people who love artwork and there's lots of kids and this fun musical instruments Booth right next to me... where you get to make your own music and there was a bunch of kids there and I think I was the only adult that seemed to be goofing around with the stuff... I made a short video I'll share later....
Someone just interviewed me who does a radio show in San Antonio Texas I think but they're here visiting and so apparently I'm going to be on a radio show and a Facebook live video and he's going to tag me I forgot to get his name so hopefully that will air soon that's always fun cuz I'm a bit shy when people approach me which is funny cuz I used to do my own radio show remember and my own TV show and yet I'm kind of an introvert and yet I love talking about my art car so that was fun nice guy and his wife or girlfriend I'm not sure!? #goddesskring
Fresh Paint was August 20, 21st 2022 in Everett Washington. 30 miles north of seattle:
The art cars including mine are parked in Everett Washington USA right now at the corner of Hewitt Avenue and Rucker Avenue! Today 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and tomorrow Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. come check us out if you live nearby! And spread the word if you want there's a hundred art booths here it's called fresh paint art fair!
I'm feeling very introverted today so I'm at the public library being quiet while my art car is on display for the public to enjoy in Everett Washington on the corner of Rucker and Hewitt Ave. 10am to 5pm today...
Forgot to say that when I was in Langley on Whidbey Island yesterday two guys came up to me and saw my art car and said that they recognized me from public access TV from the 90s and they were a little bit Starstruck and felt like they were meeting a celebrity and that's always fun to hear and they told me they were glad that I was still around and somebody left a note on my car which I assume might be the same guy that said hi to me earlier in the day.... Maybe I should have done a selfie with the people that said that to me whenever anybody recognizes me from my TV show I should probably ask him hey want to do a selfie cuz it's just fun to kind of spread the joy in that way....
So I buried my cat and I visited my mom and I saw the circus performers up up up ... twice once on Whidbey Island and once in Everett and the Art car show is coming up and I must sleep... I'm really happy that I got to talk briefly to musician Jason Webley today who said that somebody that I introduced him to many years ago has led to all kinds of creative projects and I didn't know that so I'm really happy he said he really appreciates the support that I've given him he said I'm one of his bigger supporters... I remember I first heard him 23 years ago (1999) at the folklife festival and I've done lots of photos and videos of his concerts and spread the word about his wonderfulness as a live performer and musician and he's connected to the circus show... the up up up crane circus show they're all friends with Jason Webley and I'm not sure how they're all connected but they are and it's just a magical synchronistic feeling and I parked my art car right in front of where the circus was performing in Everett tonight so all kinds of people noticed my car and appreciated it... the rhinestones on my car just sort of fit right in with the magical creative energy of that circus show.... I took photos and videos of bits and pieces of the performance that I will share when I have time.... Still adjusting to life in my apartment without my cat but I am relieved that he is no longer in a body that isn't functioning... I'll just say that again I just have to keep telling myself about the new reality cuz when I come home I expect my cat to greet me and I miss that but again I'm glad he's resting in peace and something else fun is I found a really good deal on some of those lights that turn into all different rainbow colors and you can dim them so I'm playing around with some lighting in my bedroom and when I set it up I'll take photos and show you so it's been a really creative fun couple days I also had a modeling gig recently and I'm just really grateful for lots of things right now so good night everyone
random writing i did recently....
more of my expression:
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Come See Shannon Nicole Kringen (Goddess KRING) art car "Opal Moonstone" along with all these other creative things!
Seattle Friends:
Come See Shannon Nicole Kringen (Goddess KRING) art car "Opal Moonstone" along with all these other creative things!
Fresh Paint
Festival of Artists at Work
August 20 | 10am - 5pm
August 21 | 10am - 4pm
Purchase art fresh off the easel during Schack Art Center's biggest summer arts festival. This year we're bringing the action to Downtown Everett and featuring over 100 booths, live entertainment, interactive art activities, glassblowing, and more.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
hidden in plain sight
Weird to see how many people have been fooled by thinking that we're being saved from corrupt people not realizing that corrupt people are trying to save us from corrupt people which is further corruption and yet I can see why people just want to go along with this and pretend like everything's okay and actually some people really believe that the good people are taking over thinking you have to take one side or the other not realizing that we're being manipulated into who we're supposed to blame everything on and use them as scapegoats and then turn a blind eye to actual corruption happening but then again I think all the people involved are corrupt on both sides and all sides need I say more in the United states but it's very very it's international actually but it's very disturbing to see what is happening and how many people just go along with things because people just want to feel safe and secure and believe in something and trust authority whereas I am always skeptical of authority always always skeptical of authority and yet it is really uncomfortable to not know for sure the absolute truth of who is doing what and why. But I will also assert that there are many good people in the world that are actually doing ethical things and helping things be good in the world and actually have wise smart intelligent ideas and actually respect each other's right to be an individual.
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About Me

- GoddessKRING
- seattle, Washington, United States
- multi media aRtist and fine art model.